Introduction thread

I’m new here is there introduction thread?

There is now. Welcome. Not to worry, there’s plenty of marks around here so you should never feel lonesome.


Awesome. Thanks btw, every forum I have ever been in is not very welcoming lol.

Welcome Mark! What brings you to POST Wrestling?

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Checking out different forums. Like I said some of the ones I’ve been are to toxic man lol I just want to talk wrestling with chill people.


Welcome aboard. I wouldn’t say we are always chill, but I do think we genuinely like and respect each other, regardless of opinions and occasional tempers.


This is probably the opposite of toxic. We’re constantly disagreeing but agreeably. Welcome


Welcome aboard, friend! I really enjoy being in this forum than other wrestling ones. Yes, some of us strongly disagree on many topics, sometimes very passionate. Even I say some very stupid things on this forum at times. But more times than others we have a lot of fun talking about our love of pro wrestling.

Sounds good to me.