Jericho mentioning Wai

I think you need to take into account that these matches don’t happen in a bubble. UT vs HBK was in the middle of a really mundane WM25. Yes that one match was great, but in the stadium environment you loose the noise of the audience so it doesn’t sound like the crowd is as engaged it should have.

And nowadays it would be hard to rate any WWE PPV match five stars because any viewer is worn down by the length of the shows. It’s why a hot NXT or NJPW show is more likely to elevate a great match to five stars rather than take away.

Lol. She’s basically a poor mans Asuka or Sane. It’s amazing how good those two are and instead Riho is getting a huge push bc WWE is stupid

Meltzer has nice arms!

Yeah he’s a roid monkey

Jesus, you hate the guy so much and yet know absolutely NOTHING about him…

I love it. Wai made the list. What a honor.

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Hopefully Wai gets more followers and more people pay attention to POST from this. I saw several responses to Jericho in support of Wai, not to mention Wai’s own response.

I’ve been a fan of Jericho since ECW. Still a big fan to this day. But his in ring work has been very uneven for a while now.

It’s not an issue for me bc he brings so much in other areas that it doesn’t matter.

I can’t see wei’s response - any link?

Pain Maker vs Wai Maker!

All Out 2’s Main Event is gonna be HUUUUGE!

All In 2 sounds good though this is perfect for Grapple Kingdom 2.