Mark Andrews out for 12 weeks with tendon tear

Originally published at Mark Andrews out for 12 weeks with tendon tear

Mark Andrews provided an injury update and has learned he suffered a tendon tear and will be out of action.

The performer recently noted he had been wrestling on an injured ankle and broken toe before sustaining an injury to his right calf last weekend at RevPro and was unable to complete the match.

An MRI has revealed that Andrews has a grade 3 C tendon tear and will be out of action for twelve weeks.

To update everyone – it looks like I have a grade 3 C tendon tear, and will be out of action for atleast 12 weeks.

On the bright side, now I will be eating all of the mince pies over Christmas, and have two whole months to work off those bad boys 😎💪

— MA92 (@MandrewsJunior) December 8, 2023

Andrews has been a regular with IMPACT Wrestling and RevProas part of Subculture with Flash Morgan Webster and Dani Luna.