My experience receiving the 1st dose of covid-19 vaccine

Are you talking about this?

I believe so. I heard that they had to slaughter a bunch of these mild, inoffensive creatures to quell the virus.

What I’ve heard of might be different or the same, in that some American caught it but he/she did not travel. I heard from my friend that it’s surfacing in my home province of Ontario. These douchebags caught it and most of them travelled in UK.

There are other surfaces in the UK, Australia, and South Africa.

Are those coincidences?

EDIT: I hope it’s not four more years of this virus. It’s bad enough that the States are going to have a crooked president for these four years, I just feel bad that it’s a double whammy.

While we don’t know 100 percent it’s thought the new strain is not more deadly than the existing one and vaccine should work. More testing ongoing. It does spread faster though


Thanks for the reply, Doc.

I think this is at least couple of months old now. I believe this was in Norway/Sweden/Denmark (some of the Norse countries) and they’ve just swept those ferret farms it was spreading in clean.

From what I’ve read about the new strain (the one in the UK, that was brought by travelers from South Africa), it’s just that it is (way) more infectious and nothing else.

I need some opinions…

I need to buy some groceries and blank DVDs. Would doing so while still wearing a mask and practising social distancing endanger myself and others?

I would pledge to wear a mask and practising social distancing when I take my ass out the door.

Would it still be a bad idea?

Theoretically nobody can guarantee anything, however if you wear a mask, socially distance, and go somewhere where there are not a lot of people your risk is definitely on the lower end. (Though where you are going and is a factor I can’t account for). If you want to be extra careful I recommenced wearing a N95 or KN95 mask with a surgical mask overtop as that will do a much better job protecting you then a cloth mask.

Full disclosure, while I work in the medical world, I am NOT a health care professional.

@Alex_Patel I’m sorry to take up your time but I’m really curious in regards to the Moderna vaccine… I can’t get it out of my head that until now they haven’t had a success in years and that’s scares me and I can’t say I have any good reason beyond that…

I am pro vaccine and want to do my part and am wondering if there will be a choice in Ontario for Pfizer? I don’t suppose you were in a position to choose the branding…

I’m so grateful for the knowledge you share… you have greatly educated myself which I share with my family and friends.

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I am going to a computer shop. This such place is only open for curbside pickup. I booked to pick up something there. No casual/window shopping is permitted.

We need to eat, so groceries cannot be avoided (if only there were…).

Yes, I will wear a mask and practise social distance as I just said.

Surgical masks are expensive and hard to come by. I can find “some” at Asian Supermarkets, but they are often knock-offs.

My second vaccine dose has been cancelled. They’re prioritising getting more people the first dose and the second after 12 weeks, which is fair enough.

Isn’t it this like… weird? Ineffective? Less effective? Questionable effective?

Good timing on the question as they just released the data

To summarize they found similar rates of any COVID in the vaccine arm to Pfizer and both are mRNA. There were 0 serious cases of COVID in the vaccine arm and Pfizer had 1. Slightly less patients in this study though.

The vaccine is a little easier to administer in terms of temperature and thus can be directly shipped to LTC as opposed to having them come to the vaccine.

No serious adverse events in either this or the Pfizer study.

The bottom line is both are very similar. The Moderna has the advantage of being easier to administer and ship. Despite their track record the data on this was released and appears solid so far


I’m optimistic that Ontario will beat Covid this summer. In 2020 we got as low as averaging 1 Covid death a day. If vaccinations start in April AND if deaths/cases decrease like 2020’s pattern suggests AND more people will have anti-bodies after recovering, then we’re looking at Black Widow on May 7th. :relaxed: Its all about the MCU for me


Inevitably as the weather warms but the cases will drop like the did last time. Like yourself I’m hopefully with vaccine uptake that we will see a significant reduction in the caseload come next winter


Ontario’s new cases are on the rise everyday.

I keep admonishing the people who would recklessly go out (without masks) and hold wild parties and end up infecting themselves or others, much emphasis on others.

But I think there’s another factor for this, other than just those douchebags.

Crowded hospitals? Virus mutation? Asymptomatic cases? What can be a factor leading to the continued rise?

A long term solution to crowded hospitals would be to build more hospitals. Lets be ready for the next emergency.
A short term solution to stopping the spread would be more severe lockdowns. The more extreme, the quicker it can be. Personally I would be willing to go 2 weeks of martial law. Stay indoors. With dog walking as the only exception.
Yall don’t have to bother telling me why it can’t work I just mean to say I’m willing to go that far. I don’t believe in the wishy-washy restrictions we have that don’t stop B-Day parties and family gatherings.

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Dr. Patel you have been so great through all of this. As a municipal councillor I have quoted you and Ryan Imgrund often in my community where there has unfortunately been a lot of misinformation out and about. Thank you for the good work and the reasoned and factual information you continue to share in a reasonable way.


So people who get the vaccine are supposed to go back and get a second round “28 days later”.

No reason for concerns.

… I guess…

Someone made this picture of me. Thought I would share :slight_smile:


Judging by the syringe and the wrestling shirt, this must be you in the late 1980s! :joy: