NXT announcement imminent for Sept. 18 launch on USA

@RTH75 You are correct. Maybe Vince will buy the University…

off topic, but apparently Full Sail has an awesome production program.

From Johns report

NXT will air on the WWE Network on a 24-hour delay, airing Thursday nights at 8 pm Eastern on the streaming service with TakeOver specials remaining in their current form.

Right…you caught me…I didn’t watch Joe and Cesaro beat the shit out of each other, or Roman and Siggldr tearing the house down…guilty as charged…I will just pretend to be offended over a see you in hell !ine and act like reflected the entire show.

I mean FTRKO going the horsemen and Dusty angle wasn’t enough to make that show over 7/10… Smh…how terrible of me on focusing on the positives and not caring about the negatives…which has never outweighed the quality.

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NXT has always been a money losing property, and now the pressure is on them to deliver. I just don’t see what NXT can put out there that would draw much interest, especially for two hours. Nobody watches the weekly TV.

Last night’s episode was solid. I wouldn’t put it in the top 20% of G1 Matchups, but for WWE TV, it was very good. Roman and Siggler tore down the house? Your standards are…well, hey to each their own.

The FTRKO is a great name for it!! I like that! Give me more of that!

And yes, if you focus on the positives, you are always a half-full kind of person (which you don’t strike me as being).

Seriously, can I borrow FTRKO?

@TheBenjamin Not a money loser anymore! being rumored that the property is going to fetch $50mil from USA Network. More than enough to go around for a roster of NXT that has been on restricted deals.

Back on topic: it’ll be interesting WHO on the NXT Roster shares in those economics. What defines developmental deal vs. NXT deal. This is why I strongly speculate they bring in more main-roster talent to fill the two hours. Won’t cause a headache restructuring and paying more to PC performers.

NXT finally getting tv ad revenue…money losing days are over.

Probably could’ve been more profitable if they had sponsor logos everywhere…but that always dates the show as UFC retrospectives have shown me…and not seeing a blur over certain logos is a better view.


Seven years of losing money, building the PC, hiring anyone with a modicum of talent and having no budget. It’s not really that impressive, anyone could do that. Now that they have to deliver ratings the pressure is on them. And they’re going to do it in front of the same fans who don’t pay a dime to watch any of it. So weird.

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It’s a brilliant move

The audience that watches AEW isn’t the WWE audience. It’s more the NXT audience.

NXT is a better product that AEW. There PPVs never have bad matches while AEW always has dumb comedy stuff.

If they are on together people will choose NXT. This hurts more than if they ran smack down head to head

What is the NXT audience? Aside from Takeovers, no one has bought a ticket to watch it. AEW sells out instantly. Not sure it’s comparable.

How is it better? And we’re comparing TV now. NXT has run TV for years, it’s ok. AEW has never run TV. We don’t know. And bad matches? Did you watch the last NXT show? How was Mia Yim vs. Baszler not “bad”?

Smackdown is on FOX, way bigger potential audience than anything on TNT. So you’re wrong

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Most rediculous statement of the day goes too…

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Meltzer always ranks NXT shows as having the best match ratings. Yes the women’s title match was bad.

Don’t forget what’s AEW has thrown at us as well. It had that stupid Battle Royale and even Brandi wrestling. It’s never had a five star match and I don’t think it will this PPV either.

In terms of TV the NXT show has won best TV show many times. Let’s see how it goes but the current NXT is a good product.

We know the WWE audience and the AEW audience are different. Meltzer had stats on this. So running a WWE show against them won’t hurt as much as a show with a similar fan base like NXT will.

It’s not all about numbers. You can run American idol against RAW with a massive audience and it doesn’t hurt as much as when the NBA finals with a lower total audience runs against it

It’s not just audience size but the shared audience numbers that matter

That’s harsh because in defense of @TheBenjamin anyone with a billion dollar company that didn’t care about investing in its future and losing money on the PC/NXT could have done that.

They absolutely bloated the roster (a problem we see on Main Roster now, and one that I think the move of NXT to USA will solve when they shift guys back to NXT)…

but to give credit to the WWE, they had the foresight to create a developmental brand that became viable as a network property, Live event property (I’m curious how it does compared to MLW, ROH, etc.). and they also created a PC model that is now being replicated across continents. That’s all forward thinking and the reason WWE is the company it is today, despite whatever criticism and doubts we have on the television product front.

also - I’m doing online training all week so having this open on my second monitor and my level of activeness on the forum has been real helpful in keeping me awake. Thanks Postmarks!

Correction. Deezy couldn’t build NXT because everything WWE does is 7/10 AT LEAST. No need for NXT or anything other than main roster when everything is 7/10


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Name another pro wrestling company that has been around as long as NXT that lost money but continued to add talent. Never happened. NXT has been propped up by WWE for years as HHH’s toy - it’s not a real wrestling promotion. Maybe it is now.

NXT is a 9/10 so it has a role even if main WWE is someone’s cup of tea

comeback of the day goes to…#7/10

and @Alex_Patel that is to assume those who watch NXT (onDemand) are going to tune in live. I think I’m a great example:

My NXT habit is to let a few shows go by and then binge them all. I haven’t watched a first-airing of NXT in forever. When given the choice, I’m way more inclined to tune in to the hot NEW product where there is so much curiosity over what it will be instead of a show I’m in the habit of watching onDemand already.

This is where I think WWE is overestimating it’s NXT fanbase. The behavioral habits of how people consume NXT vs. how people consume anything AEW is doing right now is extremely interesting. Especially when you compare an established property vs something everyone they are targeting has great curiosity in.

And if AEW is hoping to capture new viewers via cross-promotion, I rather be on TNT getting plugs during NBA games than on USA where outside of RAW, what show is anyone if the target demo tuning in to?

TNA the Spike era.

And now Tony Khan is doing the same exact thing and using even more money lmao…

The replies in this place are not even close to a 7/10.

Bunch of amazing Kreskin’s and sooth sayers making predictions even though they’ve been wrong about damn near everything ever since I’ve been here.

And now it is that time of the thread where someone…I’m not going to say who, is going to play psychologist who is in John malkovich’s head and tell us everything TripleH and Vince McMahon are thinking right now

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How did it go when you told us about how everything to do with Ambrose was his fault and not bad booking and scripting? That was a good time.

TNA had a TV deal and Dixie has said in the past they made money from 2007-09. 2008 was a big year for them, especially on PPV. Way bigger than anything NXT has done.

NXT didn’t get this TV deal, WWE did. There is no demand for an NXT TV product.