The Forgotten PLE

Did you know that WWE Payback is tomorrow? I just remembered and had to check Wikipedia for the card.

Looking forward to watching Rollins/Nakamura and the tag title match at some point. But this is the most blatant “B Show” I can recall since the split brand PPV days with Finlay main eventing for Smackdown.

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By design probably

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I definitely had NO idea lol

They should book karl malone.

Leno dethrones Gunther.

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They should do something big like stick every belt on the Judgement Day……just coz why not

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Almost feels more like a glorified TV taping than anything else. I am looking forward to it though. Hoping it will be nice and quick (under three hours would be nice) with some good action. I do wish Gunther was on the card.

I think its a good thing to have Roman off the card in the sense that I feel the new World Title needs to main event a PLE to give it the feeling of being a world title. Obviously it wont every be at the level of Romans title as long as he is in the midst of this run, but main eventing a PLE will give the title slight boost.

I’m looking forward to it. While sometimes there will be a bad match here or there or a bad booking decision, WWE PLE’s rarely disappoint overall. Now if I had to spend $49, no chance I’m ordering this.

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