The Grappl App

I heard Wai discuss this during Rewind- A- Raw it took awhile but it’s up and running, it looks fun and hopefully it can successfully archive personal picks. If anybody else has tried let’s leave names to follow mines is Lauzin


Im faultyrob there too. Add me.

I’m Brian BSR on there. Decided to try it out following the promotion, taking Wai’s advice to keep track of my favorite matches of the year. It’s not perfect, but it’s coming along and functional.

I’m following Wai and Benno on it.

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Alright, I’m signed up on there as CorSec99, so time to put some ratings in.

It’s still pretty buggy but shows a lot of potential. I’m an Untappd fanatic, and having even a quarter of that app’s functionality for wrestling instead of beer would be a great thing. Just added y’all; I’m on there as Contrasoma.