The Lost Podcast-An open letter to John and Wai

Hi John and Wai

Today is October 1st and if that means anything it means Halloween is less than 1 month away.

Wait, I’m getting ahead of myself.

If 2020 has taught us anything it has taught us to embrace goals you want to achieve and try to achieve them. Whether it’s finishing that book, picking up a few words of another language or making walks a daily habit, chances to start and finish something once left undone are important to seize.

The recent string of early 90’s WCW reviews lately jarred my memory to another time. A time of review a Wai where guest reviewers wandered in and out, and with the exception of brother Nate, none better than Jordan Breen.

And more than once during those appearances, Jordan alluded to returning to review one more show.

One show, 6 words…

Spin the Wheel. Make the Deal.

That review never happened. A podcast lost to time and circumstance. But maybe not lost forever.

Now I don’t know if this is possible. I certainly mean no disrespect to the executive producers, but respectfully, as a one off, my request of you both is to tie up this loose end.

Bring back Jordan Breen to review Halloween Havoc 1992…Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal.

The cinema promos leading up to it were compelling cheese and the event itself was crazy.

Again I’m not sure if it can be done and I know October is a crazy month for you both. The content you provide is very much appreciated, so I understand if it’s too big of an ask.

But it would make my October 31st a little brighter to see the lost Halloween Havoc 1992 podcast with Jordan Breen find a home on my Patreon feed.

Thanks again for your work, and I totally understand if it can’t be done. Just putting it out there.


I’m down for any WCW reviews.

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