will you be watching AEW Full Gear?

I did not and have not defended CM Punk. Show me where or don’t quote me in your straw man argument against “y’all”.

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Almost everything you said in that particular post that I quoted part of highlights the ‘childish[ness]’ of everyone, from AEW to BTE to the crowd itself, while completely ignoring anything Punk did. Sorry “y’all,” you can pretend to ‘both sides’ everything, but don’t get mad it got pointed out that you can only point out the childishness of everyone else except the guy who went off on everyone in a public forum.

Clearly punk was at fault, but I’m not sure the elite and Tony Khan are blameless. We only have one side.

We know Cody also left there. Maybe it’s not all roses ?


It’s definitely not all roses, but y’all (see? more than one of you. It’s a shorthand way to address many people) are doing backflips to not implicate Punk as the cause from what I’ve read here, when the only evidence in public is this guy going off on people whose only public sin was one of them saying “you say you’re for workers’ rights, but actually…”

I love watching the Young Bucks, but these are all millionaires, their feelings don’t matter to me; however, sometimes a cigar is a cigar. Just because “y’all” don’t like their wrestling or their personalities or their politics, you don’t need to jump through hoops to try to ‘both sides’ something that is so clearly on Punk.

And yes, I saw that Alex said Punk clearly was at fault, so I’d like to exempt you from that part … though I probably should have put that first so you didn’t have to read this whole thing …

btw shout out for pandemic updates, Alex


Adding the “fuck cm punk” chants in BTE makes me think angle alert and maybe something is being worked out. Just because the bucks doing that as EVPs and being that petty is super unprofessional.


You really never can discount, can you? And I mean that with all sincerity. I don’t see this particular instance ending that way, but,I mean … Bret came back to work for Vince, even if it was briefly.

Bret, yo.

“Only” public sin? To some people it’s actually a pretty big sin if the accusation is untrue.

I’m glad you chose this issue, because I think it’s much more important than you do. It’s at the crux of Punk’s anger at that press conference. Personally, i don’t believe Punk had anything to do with Cabana being off TV. I’m not sure if i even agree with the “Cabana was taken off TV” narrative, any more or less than anybody else on AEW’s bloated roster and I fully understand that someone like CM Punk would be absolutely infuriated by somebody, especially somebody their junior who they may not have respected in the first place, questioning their principles and integrity in such a way. It’s the type of antagonistic comment to make which goes much further than backstage politics.

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With the stuff CM Punk has said about other people publicly, that’s a silly hill to die on.

Here @TheBenjamin I made this for you


Share this on twitter lol

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It’s really not. It’s clear how intense Punk’s feelings are towards Cabana and their entire situation. That’s what much of this is about.

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go for it JoMo…it’s long overdue Pro Wrestling had it’s version of the Always Has Been meme.


somebody with more time / skill should do it with MJF and the scarf.

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I’m a little confused by this part. I never once said that any AEW fans claim to be beating WWE.
And for the record, I would never paint this as “AEW fans” its some “AEW fans”. Every fan base has idiots, I just find the AEW fan base has a tendency of being very aggressive online. Chanting “F You Punk” doesn’t exactly squash that narrative.

Who? buboz? (sorry, I cant remember his exact name). He’s the only poster I can remember on here that would rail into AEW for no reason, but even he didnt praise WWE. Can you give me an example of someone who belittles AEW while always pushing WWE? If you’re talking about me, I criticize both, I praise both. Go back to my year end picks, I picked AEW as my promotion of the year, I picked TYB as my tag team of the year. AEW is great, but they shouldn’t be immune to criticism on of all things a discussion board.

@Alex_Patel always does threads like this for both AEW and WWE. He’s not a tribal fan at all. I remember him doing one similar about Mania. If I remember correctly he said that he wasnt in to WWE at all, but he was interested in seeing Cody debut (correct me if Im wrong Alex).

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Need to add in some plane tickets on the MJF one :zipper_mouth_face:

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There are only 4 possibilities that led to this situation.

  1. Punk is a paranoid delusional person who created this entire story in his head. He made up everything and convinced himself its true. If this is the case, he likely has a mental illness and needs treatment. I doubt this is what happened.

  2. Its true. The elite leaked shit to the wrestling media, and someone spilled the beans to Punk. This would explain his motives. I’m not saying I think this happened, I don’t, but its possible.

  3. He’s lying and making it all up to be a dick for some other reason. Possible, but I fail to see the motivation here. He lost everything as he was “the guy”, it makes zero sense.

  4. There was some type of miscommunication or something akin to a game of telephone. Maybe the elite said a comment, the comment was misconstrued or misinterpreted, it got back to Punk, and coupled with the Hangman comment it sent him off the deep end. The elite take shots at people all the time, its kind of their schtick. This is what I think happened. Only thing I dont know (if Im even right), is what exactly did they say, and how badly (if any) was it taken out of context.

No doubt Punk was in the wrong. I don’t think there is a single person on this board “defending” him. Where the question lies, is “what set him off”, and until we hear from him what that was, I think its tough to say that the fault in this is 100% Punk, 0% The Elite. Now, that doesnt mean its 50/50 either, it just means there is more info that needs to come out before I believe the public can make a true assessment of what played out.

I’m not sure why you are taking offense to @RocketKing wanting to hear Punk’s side. There is a huge difference in wanting to heard all perspectives vs agreeing with a side.

How are their “only” four possibilities? You try to ‘both sides’ things in your latter paragraph by saying we don’t know the whole story, yet you provide some pretty definitive answers, apparently.

And I ain’t taking offense to anyone. Apparently I caused offense by quoting someone’s words, but I just wanted to come in here because you all say you want to hear different perspectives, but saying “CM Punk is the obvious dick here” is taking offense, I guess? I thought some of this stuff started sounding ridiculous, like how fans chanting against CM Punk was such a heinous thing that was worth embarrassment, so I thought “y’all” would like a perspective that wasn’t the same ‘both sides’ pondering.

Those are the four possibilities I thought of, if you can think of more that I didn’t think of by all means go ahead. I’m not pretending to be a definitive authority.

CM Punk was a dick. I agree. Doesn’t mean I don’t want to hear what his motives were. Is there something new he can bring out? I don’t know.

It was embarrassing to hear the fans chant that. Reminded me of Trump rallies when the blind followers chanted anything for their idol. Thats what this felt like. A bunch of fans acting like sycophant’s.

1 If all these fans do is ‘speculate’ than why are your offerings so different?

2 Then why doesn’t the say something? He has access to all the same social media and journalists that anyone else does.

3 I thought it was a show of support to the guys who started the company that happened once and didn’t happen again. I’m far less ‘embarrassed’ of the AEW fanbase (cause that matters) for that chant than for continuing to support Insurrexion Jericho or loving convicted rapist Mike Tyson’s Shibata commentary.

Again, I ain’t mad, but y’all are hear all the time saying some of this stuff and I thought an opposing perspective might be worth the while.

These are whataboutisms, one has nothing to do with the other. If you want to criticize the AEW fans for cheering Jericho, that’s a different conversation.

I’m not really following what you are trying to say to be honest. This is a discussion board, everyone is allowed to share their opinions. There is a difference between fans cordially speculating on what happened vs an arena full of fans blindly chanting “f u punk”. Don’t get me wrong, they are allowed to do it, I’m not saying there should be consequences or anything, but as an AEW fan it embarrasses me. Makes us look like the stereotype society puts on us already.

Why hasn’t punk spoken? My guess is he’s going to sue and a lawyer will likely tell him not to talk about it publicly.