Wondering who people think would benefit the most by swapping to the other brand. We’ve seen some recent debuts and I must say I don’t think any of those are going to be earth shattering, but in general, there are people that I see on either company who I think would do better swapping over.
I recognize people may think certain people fit better in the other company like MJF for Moxley, but I’m picking those that I think would benefit the most by swapping over. So not picking people that are big stars in the company already but people that are being under used.
Bayley - she seems totally aimless since she lost the title. She’s just in some random tag matches and really no direction for her character. Going to AEW especially with the relationship with Mercedes would set her on fire. I think I don’t see this happening because I think her lifelong dream was to be in WWE, but you never know
Becky - another one where I think if she came into AEW especially because of Mercedes she could really be huge. She’s already a big star in WWE, but she’s been on the shelf and coming back there other than walking into programs that she’s already done doesn’t seem as big
Dragon Lee - I think this may be more of a lateral move, but he would go from doing nothing in WWE to maybe doing something with a Latino group in AEW
AJ - probably the obvious one. He has a lot of history with those guys and I think would fit in nicely to a lot of the storylines they are doing. In WWE he just seems sort of lost in the shuffle.
Okada - this may change with Omega coming in, but he seems criminally under utilized right now. You would have to think moving over would be huge, especially with Nakamura there.
Dustin - if anything, he could have a huge program involving Cody
Britt - another one who seems aimless in AEW that I think would be at least a reasonable star in WWE
Starks - again, he’s not really doing anything so you would have to think moving over and with his relationship with Cody he could be a bigger player
- i’m leaving Miro off the list because he’s just being a bitch to AEW 1