83 Weeks Bischoff podcast

Anyone buying into “he said/they said” are just trying to confirm their own bias.

like they did with his podcast with Nick Hausman

That guy was a complete cuck who tried going political and was made to look like an idiot who should do more research.

Probkem with politics is it goes past controversial because politics is like religeon nowadays.

On the latest episode, pathological liar Eric Bischoff’s entire lie fell apart when he slipped and said “that PPV was supposed to end with Hogan leaving with the belt.”

Eric Bischoff continues to be the biggest conman in wrestling – he is to truth what the Fyre Festival was to luxury…

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I was surprised when Bischoff’s network (IRW?) kinda fell off. The WrestleZone Daily show w/Hausman was a quality program.

As far as “83 Weeks” goes, it’s a solid show if you take Bisch w/a grain of salt. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but it can be entertaining even when you know the brother’s fibbing.

Also, if that look back at Nitro doesn’t work for you; at least there’s an informative & entertaining alternative right here on the POST Network! :wink::fist::100:

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Eric reminds me of a sleazy used car salesmen. You know he will tell you anything to get the deal done.


Personally and it’s not to defend Bischoff or anything but the biggest con man in the business is and will always be Vince Russo. The fact that nobody wants him around anymore tells you how bad his reputation is. I would have put Meltzer in that category as well but while i not of fan of the damage that meltzer as done to the business throughout his career, at less i can respect him for the fact that he made a career out of this which is more then i could say for Russo.

Also i’ve got to say something about Nick Hausmen. I don’t know the guy but i do know who he is and he’s the guy that took one of the most popular wrestling website in wrestlezone and made it into a fucking joke of a site since he took over. I use to go to wrestlezone to get my news because i knew the guys that we’re in charge of the site we’re professional and weren’t just rehashing stuff from the dirt sheet. since he took over, that’s all the site does and sometimes they even create stories out of nothing just to get clicks. He’s a total joke and i’m not surprise Bischoff left the show when he found out what a joke he really was.

As for the podcast. I just finish listen the latest episode, i really loved the show and he wasn’t taken anything seriously and had fun retelling what he remember. Fans that bitch about the podcast have to remember that conrad is asking him to remember stuff that happenned over 20 years ago or in this case 18 years ago. He’s not going to remember everything to the exact detail, he’s just telling his side of the story the way he remember it just like Schiavone does on his podcast and prichard does on his. They are human after all and who out there can say they remember everything they did 20 years ago, i sure don’t so i don’t expect him to. The guy doesn’t need the attention or the money, he’s doing this for the fun of it and he’s slowly getting into and having chemistry with Conrad just like Schiavone had prichard did prior. So before jumping on the guy because we believe all those story we read in the dirt sheet about. Let just give him the benefit of the doubt for now and just enjoy the show for what it is.

I had a feeling this was coming.

I’ll give Eric the benefit of the doubt and assume his memory is shit. I didn’t get the feeling he was lying.

The problem is that he seems to remember almost nothing. Like a shocking amount of information has left this guy’s head.

That combined with what seems like a total lack of preparation makes it a pretty weird show.

He needs to do some research and make sure his fibs at least make sense (which I’d be okay with).

You also realize that half the smarks have been calling Dave out for years. This isn’t some new thing. These guys aren’t doing anyone a service. It just makes their pods worse.

I’m afraid to even ask how Dave has damaged the business…

He has no qualities I would consider entertaining. It has nothing to do with aping Vince or making dick jokes.

He’s not funny, charming, humble, engaging, articulate, or even mildly interesting.

Obviously this is all subjective but you’re wrong if you think we’d all go gaga if he started making dong jokes.

That was my point from earlier that Deezy couldn’t let go. It’s at least a half fake beef, yet it dominates entire segments of their pods.

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Never said that.

And saying he isn’t articulate is just being disingenuous. Especially when defending a stammering writer who can’t spell check…also Pritchard having a fake beef would mean that Meltzer is also playing his own consumers and would in turn give his credibility a hit.

So what is it? Dave working an angle with his journalistic credit on the line or do wrestlers, commentators and promoters actually not like him for his smarmy comments over the past 30 years?

Oh, I’m sure they don’t like him.

But you do realize that Bruce has said multiple times he doesn’t hate dave, right? It’s a fake beef, dog. Sorry to burst your bubble.

I don’t really give a shit about Dave. You’ve misunderstood me if that’s your take. I’m just bitching about the rants. I have very little interest in Dave’s credibility.

And I do believe that Eric isn’t very articulate on this new show. He some super weird way of phrasing things. And that comment he makes about “never having uttered a syllable…” is so fucking clunky. He has some horrendous pauses too.

But I will say I have heard him sound much better in past interviews. Especially when he was pushing his book.


I can’t really explain it all but i recommend listening to either this week episode of 83 weeks or lawler’s podcast form at think it was last week and they really explain in details how meltzer ruin the business.

I’ll give it a listen.

Weird to think Dave had anything to do with ruining the business tho. Wrestling’s most profitable time periods have all occurred while Dave was writing

Are we actually trying to make a correlation for wrestlings popularity and Dave Meltzer?

No it wasn’t McMahon hooking up with Dick Ebersol and thinking big…no it wasnt Hulk Hogan becoming the biggest star period…or Steve Austin or the nWo…it was a guy who touts Japanese wrestling and lucha Libre like it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread…but somehow isn’t even equate to what WWF/E/WCW did/does around the world.

Yikes, you are weird dude I can’t tell if it’s trolling or poor reading comprehension?

I made no connection between Dave and the wrestling business making a fucking dime. You jumped to that conclusion.

I think he’s a very minor part of the business. I don’t think he has/had the power to ruin anything.

I get that you are dying to argue about anything (you’ve even hung your hat on Eric’s crappy pod), but at least wait until I offer up an actual issue to discuss.

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Your own words.

Sure looks like you’re making a correlation here.

Is it tough holding on to those straws?

There are zero correlations being made in that post. I was clearly opposing his claim that Dave ruined the business. You really aren’t even good at your own gimmick.

No human in the history of wrestling fandom has ever held the opinion that Dave was responsible for the boom periods. Think before you post.


Jerry Lawler said he thought the WWE women were being paid for the Saudi show, Dave said reported what Jerry said, and then said he had not heard that was the case. Others, including Mike Johnson, said the WWE women were being paid. Apparently Jerry got heat for the comment because it wasn’t happening, so he had to lash out at “wrestling reporters” for what he himself said.

So to recap. Jerry attacks Dave…because any attack on a wrestling journalist must go at Dave. It’s how the wrestling podcast business works at this stage. Have a beef with Mike Johnson? Take a shot at Dave.

Oh and the Jerry Lawler interview on Observer Live with Dave “ruined the business” melzter is a good listen. Weird how Jerry all of a sudden has an issue with him…

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I enjoy all of Conrad’s podcasts. 83 Weeks is pretty good, Bischoff is interesting to listen to. What Happened When with Tony Schiovone is my favorite, since it’s so silly and funny.