Arrowverse on The CW thread

I am so hyped for this upcoming shit! The new suits are dope af!

Since the article shows us a few of the new costumes I’m surprised they didn’t use the new Supergirl costume.

I got behind on the arrowverse shows after the cross over and have been getting caught up on Netflix. Arrow had a great season. I love the flash-forward’s. It felt like the season was more focused and had less filler than perhaps any of the previous seasons.


I cant fucking wait for Crisis. Burt Ward, Brandon Routh returning to the Superman role, Tyler Hoechlin also returning as Superman, multiple Oliver Queens. I’m already all in, but if they announce either Tom Welling or Michael Rosenbaum, this will be the greatest event in TV history.

A little prediction…I think with the announcement that Stephen Amell will play multiple versions of Oliver, it may be a different version that dies, than the earth 1 Oliver and maybe he just goes off into the sunset.

At the Television Critics Association (TCA) press tour, CW said they were looking for more Arrowverse shows in the future?

My question to any Arrowverse fans is what show would you like to see?

I feel like between the six! shows they will have on air this fall that they already have done so many comic book tropes and characters that there isn’t much left. Especially since they will never do a strictly batman, superman or wonder woman show because they have movies in development.

But a couple of options I could see are:

  1. Green Lantern - Coast City has already been mentioned in Arrowverse. Space Cop would be a new type of character. There is a wide cast of characters to introduce. But it would need a lot of CGI and costumes to make it work well and based on Supergirl’s special effects I just don’t think they have the budget for it.

  2. Blue Beetle - Specifically Jaime Reyes. CW loves to diversify their shows and doesn’t seem to have a latin-american show right now. Blue Bettle with Jaime would have a strong latin cast and can be set in high school which would fit in with CW’s other shows while giving it a different twist to the rest of Arrowverse (although admittedly Black Lightning has a lot of high school stuff in it).

  3. Arrow spinoff - “Arsenal and the Outlaws” or something similar continuing to follow Star City post Oliver Queen or in the future with Mia Queen.

If David Ramsey’s turn as John Stewart is more than just a crossover thing, this could be a really good idea. And it’s the one show they could do (besides Aquaman or a 4th World anthology series) that takes the Berlanti-Verse in a completely new direction. :100:

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It just keeps on getting better!

Honestly, I’m more excited for THIS than for anything Marvel or DC have planned for the big screen in 2020! :100:

CW COIE Casting News


Thank you Nate, this just made my day. Maybe if this goes well they could attempt a Batman Beyond series on the CW… I’ve wanted it as a film for the longest time, it could work as a series too. It would be interesting to see the casting for Terry though.


I’m just happy I’ll get to see Kevin Conroy in an actual Batman suit.

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Man, there is still a small chance that could be a disappointment but all these casting news really pumps me up.

DCW has built up a track record for me to not second guess there choices.

It’s weird how this and their cartoons can do great things, but their bug budget movies are on the other side of the spectrum…but Wonder Woman, Aquaman andShazam are a good direction to be going.

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Fuck Yes!!! I’m all in now. This is the news I was waiting for. I’m holding out hope for Rosenbaum still though.

I’m surprised the new picture of Brandon Routh as an older Superman with the Kingdom Come inspired costume hasn’t been posted yet. I think he looks incredible.


Kingdom Come is one of my all time favorite comics. I consider it one of the greatest works DC has ever done and am surprised it hasn’t been used more in other media. It hasn’t even had an animated adaption. So the use of Routh as an older, possibly disillusioned Superman being drawn into the Crisis should be a great story beat to compare to Tom Wellings return as Superman or Tyler Hoechlin’s very traditional take on Superman in Supergirl.

Flash was awesome tonight…but holy shit, Arrow was fucking incredible. Loved getting to see some old faces. Always loved Malcolm Merlyn and Adrian Chase as the earth 2 Green Arrow is amazing. And then Earth 2 seemingly disappearing at the end…wow. Just amazing.

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They’ve been hitting on all cylinders so far this season. Flash looks like it’s going to bounce back & have one of it’s best seasons yet, Arrow’s swan song looks promising, Black Lightning is as grear as ever, and even Batwoman & Supergirl have been good.

Really looking forward to Crisis! :100:

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YOOOOOO! That Arrow ending with Earth-2 dissipated just shook me! I hope Jesse and Harry aren’t dead.

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Flash & Arrow both giving me the feels tonight, between Barry & Cisco moments and Oliver & Thea moments. Arrow has been hitting it with its endings this season. I needed this one to care more about the people in the future, because so far that is the only story I havent been feeling. Looking forward to some Oliver & Mia moments.

That ending was the first time I’ve actually cared about the flash-forward team. And Flash had a legit tear-jerking moment tonight.

All of the CW shows have been good to pretty damn great so far, loving the march towards COIE! :100:

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MIA: “Dad?”
OLLIE: “Shit, who did I sleep with this time?”

What did everybody think of Arrow this week?