ASK-A-WAI: Questions Thread

I’m a big fan of Bryan Lee O’Malley’s ‘Scott Pilgrim’ series of graphic novels. I recently re-read the books and thought of you two, given that it’s set in Toronto. Have either of you read the books and, if so, did you get a kick out of seeing real places like Lee’s Palace, Honest Ed’s, the Rockit, etc, depicted?

This question could apply to the film too, although I believe a lot of alternative shooting locations were used as substitutes because the original places had closed.

One more thing: in the dialogue in the books, the characters occasionally address each other as “guy”, where I associate a North American saying “dude” or an English person saying “mate”. Is that a Canadian thing?

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I know the general consensus was that when the Revival asked for their release and subsequently got pushed on tv scooting around the ring like dogs that they were being punished, but taking everything Rusev’s been through in recent weeks into account, are we sure it wasn’t Vince thinking it’d be hilarious and get over?

Has your relationship with Jason Agnew gotten any better?
I know he was on on Jan 18 Rumble show and then thats it.

You dont have to go into details but a broad strokes version of what happened that soured your relationship?


Hi Guys,

A longer question followed by a short one, and finally a comment.

  1. Due to WCW being popular during my formative years of wrestling fandom, I have a negative impression of guys who completely control their creative(Hogan, Nash, HHH, etc.). Most of the guys in The Elite/AEW are around the same age and for the most part, they have seemed hesitant to put themselves over in many of their big matches. Kenny, the Bucks, Page, Cody are all losers in their current storylines. Do you think that legacy of self-booking influences the way they have approached creative? How do you they can book themselves in to championship runs without it appearing to the fanbase like they are just putting themselves over?

  2. Will you be having guest-hosted shows for Raw, AEW, and SmackDown while you’re in Japan in the New Year?

  3. Finally, John I have a free title for RAD if JR ever says something out of touch on commentary - “OK, Boomer Sooner”

…I’ll see myself out. Keep up the great work.

PS - Are you having a merch sale for Black Friday?

John Siino here…

Sorry if it’s been asked already, but have you guys dug into Disney+ at all? If so overall thoughts or any nostalgic shows on there ?

First cars you’ve ever had, and what’s your dream car ?

How do you decide what shows are done by skype? In person? Also thoughts on the gina carano interview plz

Can you guys explain pinning in kayfabe?
Is it that you are forcing their shoulders to the mat, because they are often just laying there not moving. Is it that they are stunned and cannot move? because they get up and roll out the ring a second later, or is it that they choose to stop fighting and accept defeat? if so you’d never need to tuck the leg…

Jesse from the 6

On November 16, Brian Mann posted a Twitter thread ( comparing Brock’s current run in WWE to Hulk Hogan’s in WCW. His argument was that both were big draws, but their politicking and the way they were booked were significantly deleterious to their respective promotions. Mann would later tweet that Braun Strowman should have defeated Brock but that Lesnar (or Heyman) wouldn’t allow that because Braun would be a threat to Lesnar’s spot as the top monster.

Much of the discussion in the comments centred around whether it was Lesnar’s politicking, Heyman’s politicking, or if it was just Vince McMahon booking himself into a corner that caused this problem, but few disputed the thesis: Lesnar’s booking is hurting the WWE. What do you think about this argument? Do you think the WWE is relying too heavily on Lesnar as a champ? Or are you more sympathetic to Davie Portman’s argument that Lesnar should have never lost the title? (BTW, I don’t think these two arguments are necessarily mutually exclusive. eg. Instead of repeatedly putting the title back on Lesnar, it would have been better just to have one long run.)

Take Care

At the end of the Undertaker interview Austin was showing when he tried getting Undertaker to crack up laughing. Are there ever have to edit out when you guys can’t stop laughing at something ridiculous?

Not really a question - but more a request. Can you congratulate James Rose on his wedding this past weekend. Hes on his honeymoon and listening to you. Hes been a patron since day one and I invited you on his stag doo (batchelor party) on one of the first Ask a Wai.
He got married to Ceri this past Saturday and hearing this from his honeymoon will get me some cool points

First time commenter. Long time listener/patreoner(sorry for month i let it lapse though). I could ask you the rare asked questions you never get asked like finishing movea, matches, ect but ill save that for another time.

I know Cody has been adamant against AEW not doing a show during Wrestlemania weekend in the same city as it is their weekend. However what do you think chances of them running a show in Jacksonville on the wednesday before people get into orlando proper? Technically its not in Orlando and they could spin it as being in their home while also getting some of the traveling in crew on the way(if my geography is wrong and those two are nowhere near each other this may also be a bad question)

Mahmood from Bahrain:

hey guys two more questions from me:

  1. What is the reason for Brock still wrestling exclusively on PPVs? Given that the companies revenue model has shifted from relying on PPV buys/network subscriptions to tv ratings and deals it does not make sense to me for the company to only have him wrestle on network shows. I feel like him wrestling on the network will do nothing to change subscribers but him wrestling on tv can actually increase ratings a little bit.

  2. Off-topic but what is the worst vacation you guys have been on?

Chris Thunder from Down Under.

With XFL 2020 only a few months away will you be watching or attending any games? Also, were you watching XFL 2001 at the time & what were your thoughts?

As an Australian I honestly can’t remember watching any of XFL 2001, but I’m going to give XFL 2020 a chance, provided it’s available to view here (legally).

Kevin Pryznyk first time long time

Is there anyone you two would want to do a podcast with who you have not done one with yet.
The one I always want to happen that never worked out was a review a wai podcast with court bauer and
alex greenfield review a ppv they both worked on

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Chris from Melbourne, with the monthly music question…

The Mountain Goats have an excellent wrestling-themed album called ‘Beat the Champ’.

Some songs are about specific wrestlers and moments in their lives, such as Chavo Guerrero Sr, Luna Vachon, Bruiser Brody, and Bull Ramos. Others are songs with topics like a beloved territory babyface turning heel and wondering if he’ll survive the backlash, or a wrestler losing a hair match.

It’s treated seriously and works wayyy better than I ever thought it would.

Have you guys ever listened to this album? What do you think of the concept?

Paul from New Jersey

Strangers wrestler interaction?

Have you met any of the OSW guys in person? I found the LAW through that show. Great guys.

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Imran from Huddersfield

Sorry that this is a bit long - but hopefully its worthwhile.

Over the recent months there’s been a lot of talk over here about racism in football (soccer) and what protocol players should follow if/when they’re subjected to racist abuse from large sections of the stadium - which happened recently and notably in a game that England had in Bulgaria.

UEFA currently have in place a 3 point plan, which involves first informing the referee, then stopping the play and warning the crowd to stop, and then if it continues, walking off the pitch and potentially calling off the game - and it’s got to the point now where some are suggesting that players need to move straight to walking off the pitch to make statement that such behaviour is unacceptable.

Now i’m not saying something that bad would ever happen at a Wrestling event, but as idiots exist and with wrestling these days being a melting pot of different genders,race and religion - What do you think the plan of action is or should be for wrestlers if receive that kind of abuse from the audience? Would they be entitled to stop what they’re doing / break kayfabe to sort the problem out? or do you think they’d just be expected to work through it? Bit of a loaded question but would be interested to hear your thoughts.

Ryan from New York

Hello gentlemen,
I’m gearing up to give a best man speech and was curious if you guys have any tips on handling nerves on public speaking whether it be for the live shows or before a big interview. Thanks for all the hard work!

ramen or pho? thanks.

Chris from Cork

Let’s assume that for the next year, the current NXT/AEW ratings trends stay roughly the same. By that I mean AEW might win one week, NXT the next, total viewers for both shows combined is around 1.5 million. Would it make sense, in a year, for AEW to move to Monday or Friday and compete with Raw or Smackdown instead of NXT? I ask because currently, I watch NXT and AEW but have no interest in Raw or Smackdown, and I wonder how many others might feel the same. Could a move to Monday or Friday actually increase the number of people watching AEW? I know it didn’t work for TNA, but they did have a woeful product by comparison, and Raw wasn’t as terrible then as it is now.