Comic Books

Hi all, was wondering if anyone here was as obsessed with comics as they were with wrestling? Would love to start a comics thread here. I find overlap between my two fave hobbies.

I’m more a marvel zombie than a DC head but I’ve been reading “rebirth” books and image books too. I read a couple dozen a month; some digital and some from my lcs (local comic shop).

Right now, Thor from marvel and Tom King’s Batman are my favorite ongoing. Brian k Vaughan is my fave writer and Saga is always solid.

So who reads comics? Why? Where? And what’s the overlap with wrestling?

I would always “book” storylines in Amazing Spider-man as a kid like I “book” in my head future stories for WWE.

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I was a huge comics guy up until 4 or 5 years ago. I was a mainly marvel guy, but my all time favourite run on any book is Geoff Johns run on Green Lantern


That was great! He hasn’t been writing regularly lately bc of duties with the DC movies but Doomsday Clock is really good right now.


I’m fan but not much crossover with wrestling, other than another nerd hobby. How to fight off all the ladies?

I have known the writer of Headlocked (comic) for years. I suppose that would be the wrestling connection.

I’m mostly into weird old stuff. I really don’t care for a lot of the newer art or super huge crossover events. I did enjoy X-men grand design and the first couple issues of Doomsday Clock tho.

My recent reading list:

Alan Moore Swampthing
Miracle Man
All Star Superman (loved the story but haaaaaated the art)
Daredevil (Frank Miller) run
The twelve
Sandman Mystery Theatre
New Gods
Tom Strong
Paper Girls

I’ve also been rereading all my Hellboy comics and the EC horror books.

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I’ve got a couple of long boxes. The WWE has a comic now. It tells storylines from about a year ago. Sometimes they make the storylines better. But it kinda went downhill. Quality wise.

I still collect singles of Saga (I binge read every few months and it’s still excellent) but I’ve pretty much dropped all the superhero stuff. Event fatigue, stunt deaths that don’t last, constant No. 1’s and long delays between releases kinda did me in. When I was into it I really did love the routine of picking up new releases every Wednesday. I might pick up a trade of Infinity Gauntlet before Avengers comes out.


I recently finished up with The Boys. If you’re tired of the Super Hero genre, this one is for you as it’s a not-too-subtle a critique of that industry.

In terms of current stuff, I only follow Batman, Saga and Southern Bastards. I’m also working my through Chew and Scalped but it’s a very expensive hobby so I’m not getting very far.

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I get "event fatigue " and issues with superheroes. I would recommend for those who haven’t read in awhile anything from Tom King. His Vision and Mr. Miracle stories are written in a very unique way with indy sensibilities. His Sheriff of Babylon book is from Vertigo and people who like Scalped would enjoy it.

Other than that anything from Jason Aaron is good. And @wai0937 pick up Papergirls trades from BKV to pair with Saga. It has a Stranger Things sci-fi thing going but with female leads.

You can go digital if you’re looking for old trades. They have sales on comixology all the time. That’s where I got my Chew books . You’re right buying a lot of trades is pricy.

I’m definitely what you would call a casual comic book reader. I own stuff like The Watchmen, The Dark Knight Returns, Bone, and I read stuff like The Walking Dead and Sandman but not regularly. I love the idea of comic books but it’s way too large a task to follow them. I’ve been considering picking up books by creators I like rather than following particular characters or titles for any real length of time but for now I just stick to picking one or two books up every now and them when someone I know suggests them to me.

That seems sensible but a big part of what I love about comics/TPBs is having something physical to read. I tried reading Saga digitally and it did nothing for me. I actually found it very irritating.

I like digital for my wordy stories or big superhero stuff. For some reason when it comes to Saga 8m like Wai I read it in issues and bulk read 2 to 3 at a time. Something so unique about that art.

I’m a huge comic book fan. I’ve been reading DC and Marvel books since I was a kid and am still a fan of books by both companies. As well as books by the “independents” like Image, Boom, Dark Horse, etc. There is actually a lot of similarities between the comic book publishing industry now and the wrestling industry in the 90’s with a “big two” (one of which was a part of a big corporate conglomerate) and a long list of independents vying for attention.

But I got Marvel Unlimited last year and can say without a doubt it is the best $10 I spend every month and has probably saved me at least $100 in buying trades (at lot like the WWE Network!). I’ve read at least 1,000 Marvel books over the past year through the App and feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface of all the great Marvel comics that they’ve put out over the past 20 years.

A couple of favorite series right now are:
Thor by Jason Aaron
Defenders by Brian Michael Bendis
Infamous Iron Man by Bendis
Ultimates by Al Ewing
Superman and Super-Sons by Peter Tomasi
Nightwing by Tim Seely
The Wicked + The Divine by Kieron Gillen
Jupiter’s Legacy by Mark Millar

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Was into Sonic (Archie Comic), Street Fighter & some manga in my early teens to mid twenties till I fell off. Occasional reader now, but the one’s I do are are…

Super Sons: Never liked Damien Wayne, yet Jonathan Kent brings the best out of him

Superman: Clark’s family dynamic makes him more enjoyable. I think it’s a good balance for his character

Green Arrow: Very Underrated. Does a better job crafting the Oliver Queen character than the TV series.

Black Panther: I love the slow world-building it give to Wakanda while making T’Challa a more credible heroes who can hold his own.

Teen Titans Rebirth (Occasionally) Mostly for the crossovers, but other than that, the writing isn’t really good.

Was into “Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows” but I fell off after issue 7. It wasn’t bad, just not “must read”.

You’re reading a bunch of DC books I’m not but look good. I like the Damian/Jonathon dynanic. Cool.

Detective comics has been good if you’re a Tim Drake fan.

I read a bit of DC. Nightwing lately.


Nowhere near as much as I’d like to be (at times) lately been kind obsessed with things like Saga, Sweet Tooth, & Fables than like anything by marvel or DC.

I’ve nothing against them it’s just having read very little getting into ether of those feels like a monolithic amount of reading.

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I get a ton a books a month, probably around 35-40. Marvel, DC and Indy.

My favs are Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, X-Men and Punisher.

To keep it wrestling related, the current WWE comic by Boom is pretty good. I tried Ringside by Image, but I didn’t care much for it.

Phoenix Ressurection is a current great book!

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Boom’s WWE book by Dennis Hopeless is honestly the funniest comic book being published right now. His ability to keep stories going outside the ring and keep them all in continuity is a thing of beauty. The attention to detail is incredible. Triple H has a boat called the Sea-Rerbal assassin!

I die laughing with every issue.


Great thread idea! Loves me some comics and wrestling. Don’t have much time for either nowadays, but for comics, I’m diggin’ DC’s Metal series! Over-the-top fun! Kinda silly at times, but that’s it’s charm. Wai makes a good point, with Marvel and DC using too many gimmicks over proper stories, but DC’s Rebirth has generally gotten a thumbs-up from me. Also like Afterlife with Archie and The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Too bad those two have taken on the invisible man gimmick :frowning:

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