CoronaMania: Welcome To The Covid Penitentiary!

I couldn’t agree more

We are going to fuck up hospitals for couple of months if we don’t.

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Florida is a state in which tourism is significant in the economy. Thus the governor is going to be loath to lock down the state (in a manner as in Italy.)

Nevertheless, pressure will mount with each death.

And with the exponential (as a word, used here correctly) growth of infections in the absence of countermeasures, the numbers are going to go up rapidly.

I expect around March 22nd to be the breaking point. If US leaders at that point decide to not lock down, then it will be that we’re just going to let this virus ride through the population and let what may be come at us.

Note that not just Wrestlemania but a large amount of US wrestling happens in Florida.

Japanese wrestling companies are going to have a hard time too, going another month without gate revenues. Bushiroad can survive as a corporation, but smaller ones I don’t know.


Italy is overwhelmed and having to make tough decisions. We’ve had difficult conversations about how to manage vents in case demand overwhelms supply. We are hoping it doesn’t come to that and we have significant surge capacity this time so we can absorb a lot. But it has its limits. Hopefully he infection control measures we have undertaken so far continue.

It was reassuring we had only one case this morning and none this afternoon

Sooooo… Yeah. I don’t think Mania is happening.


Yikes but we will see. The same stadium is scheduled to host three more XFL games later in this month and April

Reading about tons of cancellations in various entertainment environments this morning while the thing is not slowing down. I think that it is pretty much safe to say that WM will be postponed. So many people traveling from so many states and countries - not worth the risk.

Bigger question is - how will WWE handle their travel schedules. Cause this may become a big issue too.

The changing tone of this thread is both fascinating and depressing

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It’s what’s happened in Italy and the US. It’s alarming that Italy has some days with over 1,000 new cases and are pushing panic buttons in terms of critical care resources.

The US also has had a lot of cluster outbreaks.

We don’t know that much about the virus - learning as we go. For instance the incubation is perhaps more than 14 days according to some more recent data

It does feel like it will be cancelled. Indeed a situation where most shows from all companies are cancelled/postponed doesn’t seem that unlikely either.

End of the day health is more important than a wrestling show/gig/convention/sporting event.

I do think the scaremongering on social media and news outlets is a real concern though. Yes people need to be attentive and aware but some of the stuff I’ve read makes it very easy for people to really panic. A panicked population helps no one and causes its own big problems. Once people figure out that 146 toilet rolls and some dust masks won’t help them god knows what will happen.

Get used to the term ‘social distancing’ for the very near future. Hope everyone stays safe and make sure any elderly relatives / friends / neighbours you have are ok. Especially ones with any respiratory illnesses (like my mom). Look to see if you can help them with shopping or general things. The hand washing is obvious but the thought of others is absolutely key to thinking/dealing with this.


They are going to cancel.
If the NBA does it it’s going to set massive precedent (I thought March madness would, but the NBA would be a real precedent for all major sports).

Sell WWE stock. This show ain’t happening in front of “90,000 people”

Rough times and the more it’s reported the US has been completely lapped in response - see The NY Times article today - it’s going to be hard for local authorities to not take the swing to the extreme as a new response

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Just got off a call and can provide a bigger update

Recently large conference in Canada (PDAC) had exposure. We haven’t seen rampant spread but it’s possible we could get community spread.

Large conferences (ie E3) all being shut down and Seattle banning gatherings.

They are moving to creating more rapid turn around on screening (in the GTA it goes to public health so 48H).

Our hospital has a surge plan until June. It seems based on the Chinese experience we can expect about 12weeks. Although they can enforce things a bit more authoritatively than we can. So I would anticipate if we get hit we are looking at around 12weeks before things quell.

I am happy to answer any questions either on here or DM. I think it’s important to balance fear mongering with ignorance on something like this.

We aren’t all going to die. But it does seem we aren’t going to all be able to ignore this either.


Panic from the media is never good but just look at early posts in this thread.

It’s very difficult to get people to the correct level of concern in this country. The current state we are in should not have been at all surprising.

I think some of might be that this stuff sucks to think about and it’s easier to dismiss the worries.

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I believe it is possible to have an opinion about the severity of the virus itself, while also acknowledging necessary (or lack of) measures to simply stop mass spread.

For example: I remain steadfast in the common Flu being more deadly, and dangerous. I also recognize this is a different breed of illness as it is both new and unknown with no antibodies at the ready (though that will likely be coming soon and I defer to @Alex_Patel on that.
And yet despite my personal belief about whether this has been sensationalized by the media causing mass hysteria or if this is just as dangerous as other things that kill people (like Drunk Driving)…I also believe that if American cities wanted to really stop communal spread they’d take drastic measures unseen in the country such as shutting down public transit and mandatory cancellation of crowded events like sporting and yes, Wrestlemania.

Not sure if that makes sense.

One thing I’ll say about Tampa’s pending decision which may render Vince’s desire meaningless…
…knowing the fly-in rate, and international fly-in rate. Does a city want to take on the risk for its own people. Local governments must look out for their population and if you invite a international event into your city at this time, you do so knowing when it is over you may have welcomed trouble. The economic impact is definitely going to be considered - they’d be looking at leaving $100mil+ on the table, likely more. That is interesting.

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I agree with the first part. I think this whole thing is both very serious AND overblown, if that’s even possible.

And I also think that when this is behind us (hopefully soon) we’ll never know how bad it is/was/could have been. Is cancelling all of these events an overreaction or a part of the solution? Again, maybe both.

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If Tampa cancels, how realistic is it that Saudi Arabia steps in?

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Tangentially related…

Not very I don’t think. They would need to change the card. Too many women’s matches, no Cena (he said he would not go again I believe). So I think they would honestly be better off from a fan perspective running it in the PC or an empty venue than having an Saudi Mania.

Cities actually bid on Wrestlemania and spend tons of money on promotion for tourism dollars.

Not to mention the logistics

Never say never in pro wrestling but this is about as zero chance as there’s ever been