CoronaMania: Welcome To The Covid Penitentiary!

It spreads much easier than the flu.

That’s one of the big issues.

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To add to this, Canadian hospitals and government agencies were pretty pro-active on this, and the major manufactures of N95s and other masks/gloves were ramping production and modifying supply chain in January.


I would be very surprised if this doesn’t explode in the US. Not that I want it to, but I think there’s a lot of misinformation from what I can see and a general lack of taking it seriously or panicking. I’ve seen so much discourse on an approach of “well the chances of ME dying from it are small so whatever” which is just an astounding approach given the impact this has on everyone else BUT you.
And yes I think all indie shows in the next two weeks will start to cut down or cancel.


Thanks for the kind words.

Everyone is going to have a big role to play. From health care workers to the general public etc.

I think once it really starts to hit and community spread occurs everyone can make sure they limit exposure to large groups, try and stay indoors, don’t overwhelm a hospital and be understanding of its slower there and if they don’t allow visitors etc.

It will be rough but we are prepared and we can handle this if everyone pitches in and follows good infection control protocol, common sense and exercise patience and understanding

WWE is in kind of a pickle and while this may be a controversial stance, I don’t think they would be completely in the wrong for letting the show go on. Other sporting or entertainment events in the US have not set a precedent for cancelling or restructuring any events yet. Attendance to these events is voluntary. I think it’s a great idea to increase sanitation stations and maybe offer refunds to any fans who aren’t feeling well or are uncomfortable with attending.

There’s a lot of precautions to be taken, but at the same time you could be pent up in your house all day trying to quarantine yourself and a mail person who doesn’t know he or she has Coronavirus could cough on your mailbox and you could get it by picking up your mail. If we go down a rabbit hole of how it could be spread, it’s really tough to 100% shield yourself from this. Going to an event with thousands of people coming in from around the globe probably isn’t the safest thing to do, but at the same time to what extremes are we going to go to have our daily lives interrupted?

It has to do with your personal risk. Those with Chronic health issues and the elderly should try to limit their contact with others during an outbreak. If they get sick they are likely
To end up in hospital or ICU and those will be overcrowded.

For others like we know 80 percent will be just fine which are usually the younger healthy people. You can get try to limit exposure but it’s it as paramount as for those more at risk.

It remains to be seen how bad it gets but holding a large event like that with lots of travellers puts not only the local population at risk but also all those people travelling home Who may infect and spread this further then it would otherwise. It’s irresponsible if the outbreak continues to accelerate to hold such an event for really no good purpose other than money. They can run an empty arena event if they want


I wouldn’t call not going to Wrestlemania an interruption to “daily life” and I wouldn’t say cancelling it outright would be “extreme”.

It’s not like heading down to the local movies or dog park, it’s a gathering of tens of thousands of people travelling from around the country and world to hit 1 or 2 large events.

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I think we all know Mania will go on as planned, and then in five years they will produce a documentary about how brave they were for pushing through with a show in light of all the circumstances. Stephanie will then compare the entire situation to the time the government went after her father…


The best part is the Vince is germ phobe apparently. Remember when he left saudi on his own plane and left poor talent behind to be detained?

I bet he doesn’t attend WM or if he doesn’t he’s only staying backstage and avoiding all public

It’s a global event with a high fly-in rate at a time of international disease spread. It would not be extreme to cancel it, albeit crippling to WWE business.

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NCAA announced things are going on as planned so there’s that

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I’ll be interested to see if they changed their tune by the weekend.

I get your point

But I don’t think the goal is to completely stop the spread. That’s obviously impossible. But you can look to other countries and the actions they have taken to reduce the rate of infection.

There are studies showing that Mexico lowered the impact of swine flu by closing schools.

It’s probably worth cancelling an 18 hour wrestling event and other similar gatherings if it helps. Stuff like that and restricting travel in heavily infected areas seem reasonable.


Obviously, the school closings are a step in the right direction and we can learn from what those countries did. But I can’t stress enough how much panic and fearmongering isn’t helping at all. We have to do what we can control and let the competent authorities do their job. I’m now starting to see survivalism apologists claiming this is the Apocalypse and everything. Those people aren’t helping. That’s what I’ve been trying to say for a while now. People need to calm down and use their brains for a moment. Let’s not worry about if it’s gonna go down like it did in Italy. Let’s focus on our respective countries. I’m not worried here in Canada right now as the authorities look to have a good grasp of the situation at the moment.

San Francisco told the Golden State Warriors to cancel games but they said - no thanks -

These cancellations hinge so much on the organizer making a rational or safe choice. It relies on someone looking at the big picture and thinking about tomorrow. Really helping both their employees and those in attendance.


Couldn’t the city force the cancellation?

I would assume that this would fall under counties’ jurisdiction, like they did in San Jose. The Sharks will play 3 games in empty arenas until the end of the month.

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You need to join the panic train. Anyone who doesn’t have a two month supply of toilet paper is going to be washing their ass with a garden hose by April.

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What’s wrong with washing your ass with a garden hose?

Red neck bidet?

Americans want to be sensationaists about this but don’t want to take the measures necssary to prevent communal spread.

All public transportation should be shut down for a week. Public Schools, large gatherings (sporting events, etc.), and there should be limitations on movement throughout the country and in/out of the country, as well as curfews and only essential movement in major cities.

But good luck selling that to Americans and corporations who want their cake and eat it too.

Americans rather all catch a disease than be inconvenienced or face loss of money.

The funniest to me are the parents who are scared schools will be closed because then what will they do about the kids during the day. It’s wild.

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