Gina Carano dropped by Lucasfilm after "abhorrent" comments

Consequences should be dealt with while keeping perspective in mind. She made a dumb comparison but people are acting as if she said “The Nazis were great”.

That’s why social media backlash and decisions based on social media backlash is very rarely justified in my opinion. There’s very little intelligent conversation going on there. While “woke” people might like to think they’re the ones that care about people the most, they seem to be of the opinion that caring means you just go off of emotions rather than actually thinking. The angry mob mentality doesn’t lead to any sensible conclusions.

Trump said he wanted to ban muslims and MAGA nation retweeted him. They earned the Nazi comparision.

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As they love to say in the USA partci, you’re moving the goal posts. It’s not for me to argue the hypocrisy - I don’t work or own shares for Disney or Lucasfilm or CAA. They’re private businesses who can make their own ethical and business decisions, and if you or I don’t want to support a business for decisions they make, we can vote with our wallets.

Once more, Gina made a decision that the ability to express herself was the most important thing to her. She still gets to do that and perhaps will have a lot more time to spend on it now. To suggest that she is being censored, persecuted, or cancelled isn’t just laughable, it’s not based in reality.

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I am sorry, but I happened to follow the situation for months now and yes: she was harassed for months and moths and at the end - cancelled (from Disney/Lucas Film).

Now, the fact that she is doing a project the day after her “abhorrent” comment with a conservative Jew, must ring some bells for you. For all that I hear, she knew this was coming, as Disney/Lucas Film far left division (the KK group) was onto getting rid of her for some time - she maybe had enough and decided to push one more button.

I still don’t find her comment offensive or whatever. She drew a comparison from history to illustrate how propaganda is used to manipulate the populous to enforce ideologies.

And the people she was referring to are illustrating her point by willfully misunderstanding and cancelling her.

One more thing: it seems that Carl Weathers is PISSED about all of this as well. :slight_smile:

It’s so easy to just not tweet

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I am sorry you are wrong.

She did the whole be/boop post to directly show her lack of support and mocking of transgender people.

She has consistently liked anti BLM posts

She has perpetuated on going myths about voter fraud and stop the steal and masks for COVID likening it to a blindfold by the democrats.

Because you know every other country that the democrats don’t control that use even more masking and lockdowns are also being influenced by them. Since it’s all a government conspiracy. Open my eyes right?

If you honestly believe there was wide spread voter fraud to the point the election was invalid with no evidence then you are either an idiot or so biased you will believe what you want and damn the truth. Because facts are meaningless. You can use facts to prove something that is even remotely true (a wise man once said)

This post on its own two days ago was not on its own that bad. She wasn’t pro nazi. She was comparing the plight of trump republicans to those of jewish victims being marginalized.

Stupid and dumb but perhaps not as bad as some say on its own. On its own it wouldn’t have been enough to provoke the response it did.

However look at the sum of everything she has done.

There is being right wing. I know many right wing folks. They are against big government and handouts and the such. That’s fine. There is no change or learning without healthy debate.

They aren’t for the most part walking around saying Trump won the election and masks are a government conspiracy and shit like this. If they are doing that they aren’t being right wing and showing a different viewpoint. They are toxic and making false claims for their own agenda. Most GOP members despise people like this for allowing them to be painted with the same brush. People that are right wing get COVID too and this is probably why Trump lost the election since no matter what you believe HE LOST.

People we support lose all the time. A decent person (left or right) accepts this and looks at why they lost. A toxic one doesn’t accept this and points out why it can’t be true.

If she’s going to be like them (and she had ample chances to change) then she can live with the consequences.


I don’t think anybody has actually written this out yet, so as with all these type of stupid and/or completely bad faith arguments that people on the (far) right make:

  • Pascal compared Trump supporters to the Nazis for their self-proclaimed politics and actions of white nationalism, white supremacy and national populism. For literally being in the same area of the political spectrum as Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist German Workers’ Party AKA Nazi Party.
  • Carano compared anti-Trump supporters to Nazis and Trump supporters to victims of a literal Nazi operated ethnic genocide because people are against self-proclaimed politics and actions of white nationalism, white supremacy and national populism.

All that being said, she wasn’t fired for this. Sadly, with the state of “conservatism” nowadays this is a completely standard take. This type of rhetoric and the defending of it is a perfect example of how white supremacy has been adopted as a standard part of modern conservatism (whether she’s an anti-semite/fascist or not. This is a view commonly expressed now, whether people are conscious of the origin/intent or not). These views used to be for hood wearing unabashed fascists. She was fired because this is the straw that broke the camel’s back and they got tired of her representing what they want for their brand.

My main issue with this particular type of “cancel culture” nonsense is that it gives conservatives ammo to be able to shift the focus on to these ultimately non-issues to distract us from the very real, important and obvious issues going on. I’d rather they didn’t fire her for this (and/or in this way) so we wouldn’t be dragged into these discussions and they wouldn’t be able to carry out their agenda. That’s where there’s an imbalance.


You aren’t seriously using Ben Shapiro as some sort of symbol of tolerance are you?

I can’t tell if you are trolling or serious but yes the far right (like Ben) will embrace her. Like the do with people like Faith Goldy and Kyle Rittenhouse. Showing a far right guy is working with her just proves what - that she’s so far right now that only these fringe people support her ?


Many people aren’t in favour of 100s of pronouns and that doesn’t mean they don’t support transgender people. If not using pronouns is stated as being transphobic then you’re searching to be offended.

What did she like? If she liked more policing and not less policing then a lot of people have that view. Many people are against defund the police for legitimate reasons.

Sure, voter fraud is nonsense. I don’t know what she said about it? I remember reading that every vote should be counted and it should be reviewed etc.

On masks you still haven’t mentioned how WHO for months of the pandemic kept saying masks aren’t required unless you’re sick. I sent WHO videos and their website to my family assuming they were giving the correct advice. They could have told people directly that there was a shortage of masks not put out misleading information that put people’s lives in danger. - Logically how do you expect people to trust institutions?

How anybody decided that she is far right? Did she ever said so? You are making assumptions on stuff.

For example: if anyone comes to me (as was the case with her) and yell at me to put a pronounce or whatever in my bio or whatever, they’ll be happy if they get away with a beep/bop/boop. Chances are they’;ll go away with something way more saltier. You don’t force stuff like this on people.

If I see a person with 6 masks - my initial reaction will be laughing at them as well. Won’t yours be too? Is it forbidden to think masks are stupid or not helping (I am wearing mine)? Let me remind you there are even doctors out there are saying it’s questionable how much those masks help. And others that claim we need to buy special, more expensive masks.

Are the far right worse than the far left? The later seem to be in power now and all I see is censorship/censorship/censorship. You can’t say this word, you can’t say that word. You can’t think this, you can’t think that. You must think this way, you can’t think that way. Are you aware which countries do this?

I went off topic. I’ve seen interviews with Gina and in them she looks like genuine, kind and funny person. In her tweets that I was seeing sometimes were always positive or making a point, often with a sense of humor close to mine. She was targeted and harassed for moths. The far lefts in Disney/Lucas Film I’m sure were not kind to her as well (it is reported numerous times the last months that there is a civil war there between the Favro and KK factions). Maybe she had enough and decided to get more “controversial” and by that she was proven right in a lot of people’s eyes, while the ones that hate her already, well, you can’t do nothing there anyway. As I said, stuff is coming out by the hour. The situation when she got fired now seems different to me than when it actually happen.

Is it that or is it more a case of treating someone like they’re a part of the far right that actually pushes them towards the far right?

No wonder there are people (North Americans especially) that refuse to voice their political opinions on social media even when they’re not coming into it from a malicious place. You either have to be far left or far right even if you don’t want to be. Wall to wall shitshow.

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I’m not going to bother responding to the rest of your post stating things like she looked like a nice person on an interview and you would also fun of pronouns as well. I’ve never once mentioned anything about far left being great and somehow this has derailed into territory Where I think it’s best for you not to keep telling us what you would do and laugh at.

However to the point above I would not laugh at anyone. Do you have some reason to think masks are stupid? The reason I don’t have Covid is because of a mask. I’ve had my face many times inches from a person coughing in my face. The reason some doctors are advocating for N95 masks are because it’s possible the new variants like B117 are airborne and spread faster. Since we don’t know and we have seen it perhaps penetrate one mask people are saying wear two masks or an N95.

Gina has a platform - she has IG followers and as such has influence. When you make statements like her that are irresponsible and divisive then you have to be prepared for the backlash


I have no interest in going back and forth so I will respond to you out of respect and then agree to disagree.

Gina Carano posted things about having stores open and churches and we should open them now because Covid doesn’t know the difference between a church and a protest. Because you know people protest indoors right.

She mocked transgender pronouns and only pulled back when her costar had a trans sister and talked to her about why it’s an important cause for them. There are lots of things I don’t believe it - I don’t go around mocking them putting up funny things.

She’s openly liked interviews and posts from people that have directly trashed her costar. This alone would get most people in trouble.

She then has posted number anti mask quotes ranging from they are a blindfold and you can’t see their soul to she wants the vaccine by mail bc vail in voting is okay to the gem below

“Democratic government leaders now recommends we all wear blindfolds along with masks so we can’t see what’s really going.”

What the hell do masks have to do with the democratic government and blindfolding us ?They wear them in England and Italy as well did Biden reach these places with conservative leaders ? What is really going on here - protecting people?

The WHO part you allude to was in response to people not knowing the virus well. Initially we didn’t wear them at work. Then one day we did. Then we wore goggles. Recommendations evolve as information evolves. Some people were slow to uptake masks (like WHO) for fear that if we unnecessarily used them we could face a shortage for people that needed them. I remember canvassing people for masks for our hospital - it was a real issue. These recommendations evolved over time as we got more info and supply. Now we are saying maybe two masks and only medical grade ones. This is NOT the same as posting irresponsibly about masks being a conspiracy.

She posted a picture of a Nazi rally to make a point. This was before the post the other day

She has consistently posted things advocating people transfer to Parler which is a far right social media site.

When you look at the totality of this she’s a conspiracy theory supporting individual who mocks her costars and others with different viewpoints and often uses nazi imagery to make far related and hyperbolic points. Disney gave her many chances before they decided she wasn’t worth having around anymore. Since she decided to exercise her freedom of speech so did they.

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Yes the far right will reach to people and push them that way when everyone else labels them as such. Similar to the far left I would think. However I would say when you feel it’s okay to post nazi rally’s and Holocaust depictions to make a point about yourself being marginalized I would argue you were almost there

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This is an outright lie. She mocked the persons (from a very specific group) who were forcing and ganging on her to put a pronounce in her bio. After she talked with that guy that literally compared (multiple times) half of the USA population with Nazis (and is still employed), she deleted the beep/bop/boop she had put there.

She was targeted for months and her employer NEVER raised a voice to protect her, like they did instantly with other employees of theirs h their racist comments. But she got released for citing something “controversial”. The “problem” with her was that she had the “wrong” political view in Hollywood and refused to bend the knee and kiss the hand.

That thing where people (from a very specific group) are going after what Gina liked on twitter - get a life! People have different opinions. Countries where people have “the same” opinions have very specific regimes that are ruling them.Do you want this? People to keep their opinions for themselves and in public to be “Yes, sir, yes ma’am” (or whatever the correct pronounce should be nowadays)?

I understand your sentiment towards masks, like I said - I am also wearing mine and prefer people around me to wear theirs too. I know about the new strain as well. But I also know people must go to work, so they can live their lives somehow. And on a world scale I see more and more political abuse with the virus situation - a lot of people really liked the masses been kept in check like that.

Parlor, eh? We came to that too? So you agree with Big Tech literally conspiring against, censoring and pulling the plug of a competition platform, which was what literally happened? For hate speech?! Have you been on twitter?

I also never told you or anyone else what to do or what to laugh at. Don’t put words I never said in my mouth, thank you.

So we can pick apart every little piece of everyone’s posts and argue forever. Maybe this topic has run its course.

Rebekah Mercer is the chair of Parler she fired the CEO because he wanted to create some kind of moderation policy. Please look into the Mercers and see what kind of things they have funded. They’re the ones who got Trump hooked to with Steve Bannon.


Pedro Pascal compared Trump to the Nazi’s because of ICE keeping migrant children in cages. Gina compared people to the Nazi’s because they yelled at her on Twitter for posting rightwing conspiracy theories. Despite your insistence, these are not the same.

Also on your point on Conservative viewpoints being censored, I’ll just leave this here.


You cannot be serious. :rofl:

Which part of my post do you take issue with, out of interest? The part where comparing the conditions at US’s detention centres where 6 children have died since 2018 to those of a far-right dictatorship are actually pretty valid? Or the part where Gina’s concern is that she might not be able to post anti-mask memes anymore?


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