How did you originally find John and Wai?

I found them in the run up to the draft last year so I’m probably a more recent listener than most. I was sick of the Authority era RAWs so that concept brought me back in and I found their podcast which was less abrasive than Don Tony, Wrestle Soup and Solomonster who I used to listen to a few years ago and got burnt out on. Feels like I’ve known them forever despite it only being about 18 months.

Just like the author who created the John and Wai 4 Life page, I also discovered John and Wai through Aftermath with Arda Ocal and Jimmy Korderas. Aftermath came on right after Raw and I was listening for Months. At some point they decided to do a Royal Rumble retrospective and they had guests on for each year they reviewed. I even remember one of them had Renee on one. Anyways, John and Wai were on one of the Royal Rumbles and that was the first time I was introduced to them.

Since I enjoyed Aftermath so much, I got curious and searched for other Podcasts that reviewed Raw and there’s came up. Since I remembered the names, that was that. Then the Law followed and everything else.

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I listened to the LAW weekly back in the early 00’s but my interest in wrestling waned around 2005 and i mostly kept tabs on results online. I got back into it more when Punk and Bryan started getting pushes and after the Brock-Cena match at SummerSlam 2014, I wanted to get some more insider feedback on the show and ended up finding John and Wai’s review of SummerSlam '94 in The LAW podcast feed. I was hooked after that. I went back and downloaded all of their shows in the archive and listened to all the shows chronologically starting with WrestleMania I

I first heard a Review-a-Wai episode because a friend of mine won the chance to take part in the show. I forget when this was, but they reviewed Ring-Ka-King. I didn’t stick with the show after that for some reason (probably listening to too many podcasts as is at the time), but I then started hearing John do his show with Court Bauer and really liked how John came off. Finally made me cross the podcast border.

In mid-2017 after I cancelled my F4W account, I needed a wrestling fix. So I did a search for Wrestling in podcasts and saw a free Canadian podcast from the LAW. Woo.

I listened to all the wrestling shows until it disappeared due to “retooling”. I kept checking back, but no new shows. So I finally did a search for John Pollock at the beginning of December, and saw that he and Wai had been doing a podcast since the end of October!

It was great to be able to catch up with all the shows I don’t have time to watch (except NXT, which hopefully we’ll see soon) and this website/forum is an additional bonus.

I had stopped watching wrestling around 2009, When Wrestlemania was coming to Miami I decided to pay attention to what was going on. I did an iTunes search for a Raw review some show called afterburn was the first thing I downloaded Review A Raw was 2nd. I listened for about a month & thought John & Wai had a better show than afterburn, Stuck around to the other shows they did & became a fan, Review a wai & impact were great podcasts to listen to at work. So glad the guys are officially back with all the free entertainment I got the last 5 years 6 bucks a month is no problem for the guys

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First LAW I heard on the radio was the show after from Survivor Series 2012. Been a loyal podcast listener since.

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Listening to MLW with Konnan and Court Bauer, during the GrappleKingdom promos. Been listening to John and Wai since.

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I don’t like talking about this much. I was going to train to be a wrestler and I wanted to learn more and listen if Lance Storm’s opinion on things to get an idea about him personally and get a read on him, haha. So I would try to listen to different interviews, and there was an interview with him on the Law. I listened to that and then Review a Raw came up in my feed after that and I decided to give it a shot.


I think I was just browsing for a new wrestling podcast to listen to. Saw The LAW and sampled around with the different shows and totally fell in love with John and Wai’s analysis and humor. Excellent product.

When I found out about them gone from LAW, I paniced! LOL. Super glad I follow Wai on Twitter as I was able to find their temp home at John & Wai 4 Life.

I’m pretty sure I watched Ask A Wai on fight network and found out they had a podcast…I think the Daniel Bryan rant on him getting squashed by Sheamus was the hook for me.

I found the law and John and Wai many years ago just looking for wrestling podcats to listen to at work, they became the only ones I kept listening to among a sea of incredibly painful to listen to podcast by smarks, marks and people who had no clue

I started listening to The LAW at around the mid-2000’s and it went from there.

I started following Chris Charlton on twitter while he was still a part of JAW, which in turn got me started listening to the LAW and everything else on their network. The LAW is pretty much the reason I’m listening to a lot of podcasts like VOW, MLW and the likes today.

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Yep same story really! Had fallen out of wrestling around 2006-7 but Punk brought me back and that’s when I went in search of a decent wrestling pod.
Been listening loyally ever since!

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Listened to the LAW often in the late 90’s, unfortunately fell out of touch with it for a long time and just got back into them in 2015 when I needed something to listen to at work.

Started listening to the somewhat unlistenable Don Tony around 2013, thought there had to be something else out there so I downloaded stitcher and came upon the law. Needless to say haven’t listened to Don Tony since.

I started listening to The LAW in the late 90s when they were on the FAN 590 in Toronto (I still have a Fall Brawl 2000 T-Shirt somewhere that I won from The LAW at the time), and I wasn’t always listening to the show weekly, but I kept up with it online ever since, up until the end, so I found them through that.

I started listening to the LAW regularly in 2006 and was aware of John as a host/producer. I downloaded the show to listen and first heard Wai when they started tacking on the “Ask-a-Wai” segments which later became “Review-a-Wai.”

Big fan originally from Australia, now in the US. For some reason I think my first episode was Barely Legal. I saw it somewhere online looking for wrestling podcasts and I was hesitant to jump on a new show, because there are SO many out there. But it struck me as different and entertaining, not just snarky. I’ve been hooked ever since. The Aces and Eights and Impact reviews are some of my favourites, as painful as they must’ve been for you guys to watch.