I...think I'm done with the WWE...

Incoming Personal Post - if you’re not interested in my opinion, I thank you for your time in reading this header. If you are interested, feel free to continue reading on

So it’s finally happened - at the ripe old age of 30 years old, I’ve finally realized that WWE is not for me.

A little background about me may be required to understand this post/message/note (still haven’t decided if I’m going to post this anywhere). At my core, I love stories. I love reading them, I love writing them. I love to experience stories, and I love to create them, and that’s part of why I love pro wrestling so much. Pro Wrestling, to me, has always been just a different medium for creating stories.

I’ve been a lifelong WWE fan for literally as far back as I can remember. I remember vividly the excitement I felt leading up to Wrestlemania X (IX was the first that I remember, but not the first I’ve watched) going forward into adulthood. My brother and I used to get grounded for watching wrestling (it was forbidden in my house), but when my parents found out that I had discovered on my own how to program the VCR to tape WWF shows, and had kept watching, they did a very sensible thing: they took the approach of “Well, if you’re going to watch it, at least watch it at home, when we’re around, so we can chime in if we feel the need to”. And that was the status quo from the time I was 9 until my parents realized that they could trust me and trust their parenting.

In 1995, there was a gas explosion on my street, destroying many houses, and forcing most of us to live in a hotel for several weeks while repairs were conducted. My brother and I demanded that my parents take us back to the wreckage of our house, so that we could carefully enter the basement, and watch the WWE show that night. THAT is how invested we were. I watched during the “lean years” and never lost the enjoyment, I was a child watching real-life superheroes. I watched during the rise of the nWo and then the Attitude Era, and I was constantly hooked. After the collapse of WCW, the end of the Attitude Era, I never found my enjoyment for the WWE product faltering. Even after the company moved to PG, I personally didn’t really care. I wasn’t a child any longer, but at the same time, I was enjoying larger-than-life characters battling other larger-than-life characters for some form of stakes. In other words, I was watching a story unfold.

All of that changed, but not suddenly. I was attending a few independent events a year in my local area, and while I enjoyed what I was seeing, I had no investment into any of the stories, and as a result, I had very little interest. At the same time, the stories being told by the WWE started lacking an essential element (to me): logic. I was constantly asking, Why are these characters fighting, what are the stakes involved, and most importantly - does this matter?

Please don’t get me wrong: not every WWE storyline lacks logic, and the ones that do are not inherently bad, but they just…weren’t for me. Years upon years of this storytelling continued, and I continued to consume, but not particularly enjoy. Until I discovered New Japan Pro Wrestling in mid 2015. After a particularly negative personal event, I was up quite late, and watched the Finn Balor special (the one aired prior to the Beast in the East event), and the images shown from NJPW sparked a desire in me. So I set out to watch the next NJPW show, which as my luck would have it, was the first night of the G1. Like the independent events I’d seen locally, I had no context on any of these characters, but I watched anyway, enjoying the physicality. By the end of the G1, I felt confident enough to predict winners/losers for NJPW’s upcoming Destruction card, and in an amazing feat, I got every single prediction wrong. I wasn’t looking at storytelling logic, I was using WWE logic. I didn’t realize the difference, not consciously, but after I started to understand NJPW’s stories, I grew more and more invested.

In the interceding years, NJPW’s undergone an explosion of popularity, while still trailing behind the WWE as the global #2 in wrestling. In that same period of time, my personal interest in WWE has nearly cratered, while my interest in NJPW is super high. I still watched nearly every RAW, and every PPV/Network event, as I still wanted to put forth the effort. I still wanted to believe in the WWE.

I had parties at my home for both Wrestlemania and WrestleKingdom this year. As expected, Mania was the larger get-together, but Kingdom was the most energetic (time of day notwithstanding). At Mania, I had a friend from out-of-town come by and watch the show. Prior to the card, she looked at every match and gave us her predictions for every match (aside from the battle royals). Shockingly, she got every outcome(minus one), AND NEARLY EVERY FINISH correct. She even correctly stated that Asuka would tap out to Charlotte, to the immediate derision of everyone in the room. (In case anyone is wondering, she thought Stephanie would beat Rousey, after Rousey was distracted by attacking HHH in violation of the Mixed-Match Rules, which, she was damn close)

At the end of the event, in the stunned silence that permeated my living room, I turned to her and asked a simple question: “How did you make these predictions?”. Her response is what made me realize that while I love, and will always love Pro Wrestling, I’m done with the WWE.

Her: “Here’s the problem. You all think that WWE is making a wrestling show. But they aren’t. They’re making comic books - live action comic books. The audience, and audience reaction, is an integral part of a wrestling show, but there’s no live audience to react to a comic book. The WWE doesn’t care, and will never care about the live audience, because they aren’t putting on a wrestling show. They’re here to tell a story, whether the audience likes it or not. If this show was happening without a live audience, you would have made the same picks I did.”

After following up with one more prediction (she thinks Charlotte v Asuka will be the main event of Mania 35), the room fell into stunned silence once again.

I’m not sure if I would have made the same picks she did, nor am I sure about her feelings if there was no audience, but she was absolutely right about one thing: The WWE is dead set on telling their story, audience reactions be damned. In comics, this sort of thing happens, the comic-buying population rejects a new story arc/direction, but that direction is only changed if Editorial steps in, or a new writer steps in to do so, and generally this only occurs after the storyline is completed. Some people like the new stories/directions, and others don’t. Sometimes, this turns into giant flame wars online, and sometimes, the disenfranchised find another story being told using the same medium, as I and many others have done.

I think Pro Wrestling, as a storytelling form - completely independent of any of the amazing physical feats, is wildly under-respected. And after all these years, I’ve finally realized that WWE is not a Pro Wrestling show. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that at all, and I’m not dumping on the company. Their goal is to make money, and it’s a lot easier to make money telling a story that you control all facets of rather than leaving some facets open to audience participation and support. But without that audience interaction, personally, I find the story feeling hollow.

I recognize there is some post-Mania burnout in this, and I tend to text-ramble (tamble? what is it called when someone rambles in an online posting?) which can make for a disjointed reading experience, and for that I’m sorry. I also understand that this does not take into account that a big part of the lack of coherent storytelling in WWE is based on the fact that they have so much airtime to fill that they can only create so many stories before repeating stories, contradicting previous stories, or having stories become stale.

I love Pro Wrestling. The WWE is not Pro Wrestling. I’m done with the WWE.

*P.S - I still intend to listen to the PostWrestling reviews, like a comic book fan following along on the internet, keeping an eye on the stories, to see if there’s anything that will pique my interest. After all, WWE was Pro Wrestling (to me) when I was younger, maybe it will be again (to me). If there’s ever a day when the WWE draws me back in, I’ll happily watch, but for now… I’m done.


Great Post and i truly get where you’re coming from with this because i’m kinda in the same boat with Wrestling in general not Just WWE. The thing i’ve been watching WWE/F for 20 years now, to me, it never was about the wrestling but about the story being told in the ring. They we’re comic book characters that we’re coming to life and fans would gravitate toward those characters, so as a kid, it was so amazing to see guys like ultimate Warrior, Hulk Hogan, Demoliton and so many other beat up the heels. I even started watching WCW when they had a program on TSN in 91.

But i knew right off the bat that i wasn’t watching wrestling and that it was just a big comic book story that was playing out in the ring. That’s why i kinda stop watching WWE for a while during the attitude era because WCW was telling better stories and had better characters. But the more the years past, the more i started to realize that what i loved about wrestling wasn’t necessarily what other fans loved about wrestling and suddenly, i’ve kinda started to lose interest about wrestling because of it. What made me love wrestling was the struggle between good and evil and fans reacting to the babyfaces and wanting the heel to get his butt kick, now a day, it’S all about respect for the performers and unless they do something really bad, Heel will be cheered as much as the babyface and that’s kinda take me out of the product. i still watch it but i don’t watch it live like i use to.

what makes me stand the current product right now is being able to watch older wrestling on the network. that way i can get into the WWE product more because it makes me remember where they came from and what as been the motto of the company since vince bought the company in the early 80’s. WWE under Vince Jr. as never been about wrestling and i knew that from the start which makes it easier to appreciate. I might not agree with everything they do but in the end it is what it is, that’s why i go to pretty much every live event in montreal and try to skip any tv tapings because at less at Live events, their going back to the basic of what made WWE great when i was a child and that’s simple storytelling that the audience won’t fight against and that’s all that i want out of WWE wrestling, i want to be able to enjoy the product without over criticize every single thing WWE is doing which is hard to do while watching Raw and smackdown.

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I had this same realisation with computer games, At a similar age (around 30) I just said to myself “why am I wasting time on these virtual people on a screen, It means nothing!”

I went for a massive gamer playing for hours a day, to (and I can honestly put my hand on my heart and say) I’ve played a few hours a year since, if that.

Strange how this happens! as for wrestling - Nowadays I’m more interested in the business side of the industry and the drama that comes outside of the squared circle. I think this is why I enjoy JP as reporter so much.

Thanks for sharing your story and reading mine.

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See you next Monday


This right here is why I’ve dove back in on Professional Wrestling and why Being The Elite, and Kenny Omega in particular, are a big part of that.

I started watching wrestling and became enamoured with the Austin-Taker-Kane storyline, and Crow Sting. I mention those two specifically because it’s the first stories I truly remember thinking was like reading a book. Over the years stories seemingly became less of a thing, and in large part I think that was due to the rise of the Internet, and the desire to swerve or stay ahead of fans. Stories lost logic or realistic outcomes and you can relive all that on Keep It 2000 (cheap plug).

For years it felt the goal was to swerve the audience and at times it still does. Asuka and Nakamura both losing didn’t cap off arcs like a story would or should, it served to have a shock finish that was “predictable”. I’ve always found the best stories in wrestling (and movies) have a sense of predictability and there is magic when the ending feels like it’s right. But I do sympathize with WWE that they cannot tell their stories with a proper conclusion; the very next day more must be told.

When I think about the wrestling I love now it comes from places that are methodical in its story telling (and that isn’t to say it’s perfect). NXT nurtures characters and has a finite time to groom and tell a characters story before call ups. New Japan doesn’t run a weekly TV show and spaces out big matches across tours. They have factions so that all the tags don’t feel out of left field, and matchups are meaningful, not plentiful.
And lastly, BTE is telling a story that resembles episodic TV with wrestlers who understand stories can be told in matches that are as powerful as 20 minute segments on a microphone.

I do think the best stories now are told when it blends real life or behind the scene elements. Chris Jericho’s NJPW appearance was a story for him going there as much as it was about Alpha v Omega. That was cool to follow, without feeling like I was being worked or swerved.

Wrestling’s big payoff is when it delivers to its fans. Maybe switching to seasons would help WWE get a chance to tell more complete stories. Maybe creating sub-shows or tournaments on the Network would help tell more nuanced stories. I agree with your friend that they probably don’t care. The younger fans will grow up, some will stick with it some will grow out of it, and all the while new kids will be drawn to larger than life stars.

I apreciate your post because I always wonder how people really feel about this thing we enjoy called wrestling - that is, beyond liking or not liking a guy. One of the things I love about POST Wrestling is I’ve always felt the guys have given us genuine insightful views. And I am glad this board exists to hear yours.

Good read. I’ve been there. Its not pro wrestling. Its sports-entertainment. But… see you next Monday

You’re not alone, but people have to change their expectations for what WWE is.
In 2018, wrestling is about character/personal investment. The WWE doesn’t offer that. That’s not a diss. I know what I’m watching. I can’t blame WWE 100% of the time for the bad or questionable decisions they make just to please fans that will watch and give them money anyway. There are certain things that I might want (or don’t want) to see, but I’m realistic enough to know that booing or chanting won’t really change anything.
There are wrestlers from almost every organization that I think are great, and I get invested in them; not just their promotion. Likewise, I’ve said that Rusev should of been a face for over a year, and now that he is, I’m happy for him, but no reaction is going to move him from where WWE has him on its/Vince’s proverbial storyboard. Main roster WWE isn’t the place for that. If some fans would realize that, they wouldn’t complain so much, and would either find an alternative company or focus on individual talents outside of WWE.

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I swore I was done with the wwe after the Montreal screw job. I am with @Deezy’s gif… See you Monday, but respect your sentiments.

The majority of the WWE audience is smartened up, and the modern day way to build heat is to get the smart fans riled up by giving them the exact opposite of what they want. It’s an unfortunate consequence of the bulk of the audience being smart marks, but WWE has had to adjust their formula for building heat and booking.

It’s still a great time to be a wrestling fan. When you compare the current product to the product of 10 years ago, the current product blows 2008 WWE out of the water. In 2008, you would have to pay $45 for PPV’s that occurred every 3 weeks. What we get for $10 a month on the Network is an unbelievable amount of content for the price, and there’s a little something for everyone including those who just want to relive the past. NXT might be the current product for you. It seems to be more about giving the fans what they want.

Needless to say, current WWE is not without its flaws. Their decision to have Brock Lesnar hold the title for over a year with minimal defenses is questionable, and they haven’t invested a lot in the lower card/mid card guys making 3 hour Raws a drag to get through. If one were to watch all of the WWE content from week to week consistently (Raw, Smackdown, 205 Live, NXT) it’s hard not to imagine a major burnout occurring. I usually take a break in following WWE consistently from September to December to avoid burnout. There usually at a creative lull at that time too.

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Ignore the puppets that are saying you’re gonna watch next week anyway or that they don’t care (when clearly they do otherwise they never would have said anything)

WWE is only interested in telling a story yes but only a story that fits their vision and nothing else. You are correct about that. My interest in WWE has dropped dramatically in 2011 because things were getting worse and worse whereas ROH and NJPW were becoming much more known to the common fan.

But then it felt like the status quo was finally going to be broken and that things were going to change when CM Punk became big and when Daniel Bryan became very popular. Unfortunately a couple years later, it was apparent CM Punk was not going to be able to make that change and even though Bryan reached the top, he was immediately running away from Kane in fear.

When CM Punk left and Bryan was vanished for 3 years, my interest tanked because they were the only two things that kept me watching and highly interest. Even though Bryan is back, it feels as if it’s going to remain the same. They’re deadset on Roman Reigns who is fine in the ring but…He’s just not relatable or very likeable at all as a character. Therefore i’m not interested.

You compared it to comic books and it’s like that in a way. Let me compare it to Dragonball. Everyone loves Vegeta because of his strong character development from beginning to end. They find him more likeable and they find what he fights for something the reader can respect. But yet everytime, he loses. But then you get Goku who doesn’t have much depth other than really wanting to fight and he even puts people in danger at times because of that and doesn’t really seem to show much care for anything else. Yet every time, Goku is consistently winning the battle 95% of the time despite people wanting Vegeta to win.

They want to tell the story their way and they don’t care if you like it or not no matter how great or poor it may be. At this rate, you can either continue listening to the story or change the channel to something else. I no longer watch Raw or Smackdown. Haven’t done it consistently in years. I only listen to podcasts now because i just don’t have the time, effort or energy to watch a pointless tag match, followed by a pointless singles match, followed by a heavily scripted promo, followed by words on the screen, followed by more pointless matches.


I haven’t watched Raw or Smackdown in years (mind you I never had the Score, so once Raw was off TSN that was about it for me), but I have the network and still watch the PPVs, NXT, but I especially love going back and reliving my youth with the old shows.