Jaxson Ryker licking boots so hard he has got cherry blossom poisoning

Ryker also posted this on his FB. Just gross. They should really get rid of him

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I think Jericho on his podcast is trying to be a poor mans Joe Rogan and failing. When he has those wacky guests on its really sad.

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Whats wrong with having people on, with opinions or views that are different? Personally, I only listen to his wrestling guests, but I like that he has a wide variety of people and topics. There is nothing wrong with being open minded. Just because he has a flat earther or Donald Trump Jr and you arent fans of those guests, doesnt make it sad.


Because itā€™s dangerous to give idiots a platform


Unfortunately some people donā€™t think that those who have a contrarian opinion to their own should be given a platform to speak. My preference is to let them speak, and then debate them. This is why I loved Kevin Owens response to Rykar so much.

Below is what Owens tweeted to him:

*The freedom you speak of entitles you to speak your mind all you want. Iā€™m not here to argue that. I just really need to tell you that I think you pushing your shitty wrestling catchphrase as all of this is happening is absolutely fucking pathetic. *

Good night.

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The intolerance paradox is a lot more complicated than ā€œarenā€™t fans of those guestsā€.

Regardless, i donā€™t even need to get into that debate to think itā€™s sad. I think itā€™s sad because like Benjamin, it seems like a feeble attempt to replicate Joe Rogan to me.

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So everyone should fall in line and all have the same opinions? Might as well just create robots of everyone and kill off all the humans in that case.

Jericho having a guy like Don Trump Jr on and then asking him zero pertinent questions normalizes him. The other guests are cheap plots to try and be Joe Rogan.


Why does this matter to you though? I dont care for Don Jr, so I didnt listen to that podcast.

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Because society as a whole is worse off by Jericho attempting to normalize Trump.

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My big issue w/TIJ isnā€™t that he has guests like that on, itā€™s that he rarely challenges them on their views. Jericho himself may not believe the lies & half-truths that a person like DJTJ spouts, but by not checking him heā€™s giving a form of endorsement to his views and THAT can be very harmful in the long run. :100:


Yep exactly. The Trump episode was a great opportunity to actually question him but Jericho chose not to. He basically endorsed Trump policy by doing so. Very dangerous

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Very well said! This is my point, I donā€™t think silencing anyone is the answer (unless of course they are calling for violence), if you donā€™t agree, the better way of going about it is challenging them.

Don Jr is also not that informed even on the conservative side of things, challenging him would be quite easy.

Ok so your issue is not so much him being on, its how the interview was handled. This I get. Is that fair for me to say? I donā€™t want to put words in your mouth.

Yeah. Donā€™t have a problem as long as itā€™s used as a way to challenge rather than promote.

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From everything Iā€™ve ever heard on his podcasts, that what he does, is promote. Iā€™ve never heard him challenge anyone. At least not in any of the ones Iā€™ve listened to. Iā€™ve also not read anything, that he challenged so and so person in an interview. Whether heā€™s a supporter of who he has on, or a believer of what those people are talking about, I dont know.

Heā€™s Chris Jericho and while heā€™s known, I dont think he is that well known, that he can pick and choose who he has on, so he takes who he can get and if he challenges people, I think heā€™ll be less likely to get others in the future.

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Fine. Then donā€™t promote racists and idiots. Itā€™s a bad look


Heā€™s had a couple of decent non wrestling guests :slight_smile:


I struggle with this. I support everyoneā€™s right to think whatever they want but thereā€™s some anti science stuff that gets dangerous.

Like why should they be given a platform? It legitimizes their ideas and puts them on equal footing with actual science.


I have a couple of friends who have worked with Jericho and they hadā€¦not great things to say about him.

Iā€™ve always been a fan, so I hoped it was just a bad day or misunderstanding. Iā€™m not so sure anymore.