Marty Scurll issues statement about the sexual assault allegations against him

Oh yeah, get them while they’re young and don’t know the realities of war, then send them in one. America.

still don’t want them young, drunk whippersnappers on the road

back in my day we didn’t get five star matches, we got papa Shango in the repo man and goddamnit we enjoy it!I don’t really know where I’m going with this

I’m sorry, but couples who are 14 and 15 and who engage in sex would then make the argument to reduce the age of consent to 14 not 16. I’m not making the case that it should change to 14 or 16. I’m just saying that once you change it for whatever reason, it goes down a rabbit hole.

Moreover, and I can’t believe I’m referencing a shitty Transformers movie, but Romeo and Juliet laws exist in many places that don’t consider it statutory rape under specific conditions. Wikipedia has a section here

I mean…Legally you’re right, but let’s not play patty-cake patty-cake (Baker’s Man) and get lost in the minutiae here. If this stuff is true, then Marty’s pretty scummy. If a young guy or girl has “TEEN” near any part of their age, then a dude who’s damn-near 30 shouldn’t be pursuing them, point-blank period. Reading the account of her encounter turned my stomach.

What is it with these guys (and girls in some cases) that makes them want to sleep with people who may look “mature” but are mentally kids (regardless of their legal status?). Like, you’re relatively famous…If screwing fans is your jam, there’s hundreds of consenting grown folks who would be about that action. Leave these kids alone, let them grow up. Granted I’m biased, having been through an abuse situation as a child, but this is more than just a “boys will be boys” situation. Who knows the long-term effects that this experience will have on that kid & those around her. Lost a lot of respect for Marty on this one.

All these cats need therapy…And I’m not even joking. After all this, mental health support/counseling should be a mandatory resource for the industry whenever we’re out of the pandemic. :100:


There are a bunch of states where bestiality is legal too…

The law is often behind what most good people in society think, this is an example of that. Scurll is a piece of trash for hiding behind that

Whilst obviously in no way minimising your awful experience, ultimately what he did was legal (from an age point of view). The question of whether he should have is an individual one and one to which there is no definitive answer, regardless of what the majority opinion may be (and you just need to look at history to prove that the majority opinion cannot be used as the moral benchmark).

I’m not opining one way or another, as I don’t believe it is for me to say I am right and he is wrong.

Not that it anyway excuses the recent accusations but imagine the stories from the 70’s and 80’s. From what I have heard listening to various podcasts, in the US wrestling scene it wasn’t uncommon for wrestlers to have sex with underage girls. How many “icons” and “hall of famers” have skeletons in their closets?

Only in America. I bet they are Republican states. :roll_eyes:

We really went down the rabbit hole with this one.

@PodFatherSOH @Bdubz
I am in no way defending him. Nate - the term scummy is spot on. I don’t support what he did - he’s scummy.

I just wanted to confirm that legally - he’s done nothing wrong if it was consensual. Am I saying taking home a teenage girl or having sex with an animal in some American states is fine - absolutely not.


The US culturally seems to have less of a serious stance against drunk driving in general to be honest.

Appreciate the clarification. :joy:

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It seems like a lot of you are ignoring the fact that 16 (and less!) years old can put us old farts to shame when it comes to sex. Not defending anything or anyone, just saying.

On a side note: I am sceptical for something that happened years ago and the person that plays the victim card was cool about for those years, but now there’s a landslide of convictions and suddenly the person is not OK with what transpired and is trying to get something out of it. And yes, I do not put a sign of equality between having sex and being raped.

To quote one of the biggest game review YouTubers that got hit just this week by a fake allegation that he sexually harassed a woman two years ago (and if you want search and read what this girl wrote - it’s laughably preposterous): “… fabricated and embellished stories like hers do a disservice to victims of sexual harassment and abuse…”

Exactly the way I feel about SOME of these allegations and those are making some of the others feel to me like the persons are trying to get something out of it (money, fame, or get back at someone).

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I am not saying that anything you said isn’t & can’t be a reality, however I do recall the woman in this particular issue saying she tried to reach out to Jordan Grace as well as other Wrestling media and nothing was done. I went to go back and look at the tweets to confirm & they are all gone. I don’t know if she deleted her account or just the tweets. I thought that was the case though.