Most Protected Finishing Move ever ?

Big moment when Yokozuna kicked out of it at king of the ring 93.

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What about Warrior’s press slam and splash combo?

Hogan and machoman kicked out of that at Wrestlemania.

An odd one to bring up, but I swear no one ever kicks out of Alexa Bliss’ DDT. Think she beat everyone with that during her RAW Women’s Title run.

I think Jay White’s Blade Runner is going to be the next big ‘protected’ finisher…I was surprised Takahashi didn’t kick out of least one Blade Runner at New Beginning.

Was Diesel’s Jackknife ever kicked out off unless The Undertaker kicked out off it at WM 12

Including what’s mentioned above, the three I can think of with the best success rate would be the Doomsday Device, the Banzai Drop and the End of Days.

And I think Black Mass is batting 1.000 right now, but we’re not talking about nearly as many televised matches as the others mentioned above.

The first person to kick out of the black mass should be a tremendous moment.

Hogans Leg Drop

Sid kicked out of it but wasnt supposed to. He had to because of Papa Shangos late interference. Did Warrior kick out at Mania 6? I dont think he did

His missed Warrior at 6. I mentioned the leg drop as well but apparently Sid, Yoko, Goldberg and Vader have all kicked out of it.

Thats right. Yoko did, i forgot about that

Do not remember the Vader one and Sids doesnt count because he wasnt supposed to. And i dont remember Goldberg doing it but i could be wrong on that one

I think he actually killed this jobber!