NJPW G1 Special 2018 LIVE Discussion

White and Juice had a match that finally got White over as a heel and Juice finally won a championship and in my opinion was made as an American NJPW star

Cody and Omega has an all out war that saw Omega retain.
Closing angle featured the Tongans (w/Haku) turning and taking out the Elite and then Marty Hangman Yujiro and Chase one by one. Cody came down again. They took him out. Wearing Bc Firing Squad shirts.
Everyone else regrouped and posed at top of ramp before leaving. Lot of carnage. Cody and Kenny hugged it out.

Notable in the White Juice match was a spot that ended up knocking JR off his stool and then Barnett entered the ring and it was a real awkward work OR a crazy shoot. Worth watching when you get a chance.


This is my one problem with New Japan booking, Jay White has been booked like a heel, so why is he in Chaos? I’d actually like to see him be the first foreigner in LIJ.

In Gedo We Trust !!!

I think Jay White wins his first match in the G1 against Okada. We’ve been getting the tease that White would go after Okada when he was ready and now that Okada lost the IWGP title I can see White taking on a full heel role and instigating the break up of Chaos (the weakest stable of the bunch in my opinion). I’ll go on record here and say White wins the opening match vs. Okada and sets up a nice feud for them down the road when neither win the G1.


by the same token, they didn’t need to go that far in the dragon lee/takahashi match. A release pheonix plex was not necessary, nor do I think they needed to do 15 suplex’s where the guys were landing largely on their necks. This is the kind of thing that eventually ended up leading to misawa’s death. That sort of damage is cumulative. I watch Kenny’s match’s and most of the time I feel he plays it pretty safe. Maybe one spot where it could potentially shorten his career, but not to the extent of some of the japanese talent. This is a real shame if we lose Takahashi because of this, he’s an incredible wrestler.

Also, sucks about JR, guess it was definitely a shoot.

I happen to love the suplex spot and felt the English commentary did a piss poor job of getting it over. I assume at this point that those types of suplex bumps are safer compared to a lot of what we see and that it was each guy trying to one-up and exhaust the other guy was a great bit of in-ring story telling. especially given their rivalry.
I noticed Hiromu had Lee<3 all over his wrist tape. It’s the silly little things he does that makes him a complete character, not just the spectacular in-ring. I’m very sad about this as I have enjoyed his work as much as anyone over the course of BOSJ thru Saturday night.

Chaos is not a pure babyface group.

He’d be a horrible fit for LIJ. He’s not cool or tranquilo… and LIJ is the most cohesive unit, Switchblade doesn’t fit there at all.


Okada, Goto, Ishii, Yano, Yoshi-Hashi, Ospreay, Roppongi 3k, Gedo, Jado, Beretta…I’m pretty sure none of those guys are heels at all, the exception being when they go against someone who is an even bigger face. Jay White however has been a clear heel in every feud he’s been in, that I can think of. I think Jay White is a hell of a lot cooler than Bushi and Sanada who is one of the least charismatic people I’ve seen in wrestling.

My point by cool is that Switchblade is just a loner psycho… which is why Chaos works because they all mostly just a hodge podge of whatever… he’s not a cool heel, he doesn’t have the mentality that unites LIJ. LIJ is a family, they care about each other. They’re an actual unit. Switchblade doesn’t fit in that at all. He’s not likeable… LIJ is all popular likeable guys, they’re not even heels really.

Truthfully no stable would have been better… but of all the stables for a loner to join up with Chaos makes the most sense because Chaos is mostly just dudes loosely affiliated with each other.

I think they should have had stables wanting him to join and he just fucks with them all and maybe pulls in guys from each stable to create his own.

That’d have worked with Suzuki-gun and Chaos and BC maybe

Though even Suzuki-gun has a unified identity that Switchblade doesn’t fit.

Really it’s BC or Chaos that could have suited Switchblade

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Bushi is the fall guy so he’s super important to LIJ
Sanada is so tranquillo he has lost all charisma. He’s perfect in LIJ.

Its called the stormbreaker i believe. Commentators didn’t know the name of this or most finishers. I was better prepared to call several matches than them.

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Was it intended to be released or a botch? Ive seen dragon lee hit this move but into a bridge , i thought he dropped him or slipped or something.

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If Dragon Lee wrestles 4 matches in 24 hours then I have to imagine it was fatigue and a botch. Not that I want to speculate on such a thing to place blame but that makes most sense.

I’ve never seen that spot in my life and when I saw it I was yelled whoaaaaa. I looked it up later when I found out the name and was shocked to see it is usually done into a bridge.

Damn. It really shook me. We love these guys doing this style and yet the risks are so real.

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I agree completely. Thats a very complex move and he was working a lot this weekend. I still think its a very unsafe move even when done correctly but its usually a bridge.

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Going through that spot, when he’s slowly lifting him up, I wonder if he just blanked for a second trying to remember if he releases or bridges.

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For those missed @JRsBBQ tweet regarding the fall during the White - Robinson match.

It appears that Barnett took matters into his own hands.

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The first thing that came to mind after seeing the move was all the times Kevin Steen used to hit his Steenalizer in the corner. Pretty much the same move, equally ridiculous.

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Another hilarious BTE episode was just uploaded. Without spoiling the episode, I dig the Jericho opens. And it was hilarious that the Bucks and Kenny are filming a shot, and you can hear the crowd chanting “Asshole” at Jay White in the background.


I posted a recap and thoughts on the BTE thread. These episodes are full length. The show could easily be on MTV

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