The POST - NBA Discussion Thread

And to Lebron’s (and his teams) credit, the ‘13 Spurs and the ‘16 Warriors are two of the greatest teams that didn’t win the title.

The ‘12 thunder team was also stacked with 3 future MVPs. He beat some tough teams in the finals.

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For those wondering, my All-Time NBA list currently looks like this:

  • MJ
  • LBJ
  • KAJ
  • Magic
  • Russell
  • Larry
  • Duncan
  • Kobe
  • Shaq/Wilt
  • Robertson

Hon. Mentions: Barkley, Hakeem, Steph, Jerry West.



LBJ losing to Dallas was bad - arguably one of the worst loses ever by a favourite.

Jordan and the Bulls did struggle with the Pistons - but the Pistons were a great team that went on to win titles and even beat the Lakers.

That Mavs team was not on the same level.

Or maybe Dirk Nowitzki is an underrated all time great who played at an unbelievable level to beat a team that was still coming together.

LBJ is still great though.


He shot 41 percent and had 26 ppg. Hardly qualifies as unbelievable level.

By comparison LBJ averaged 17 PPG. If you watched that series it was obvious the Mavs didn’t win as much as LBJ didn’t show up and Wade tried to win it alone

Has anyone been keeping up with the finals? I have watch all 6 games so far. Games 5 and 6 have been real competitive. As a Lakers fan I’m really hoping they close it out in game 6.

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I don’t post here anymore, but after watching the Finals thus far, I couldn’t let this bum-ass opinion of mine just hang out here without follow-up. Jimmy Butler is clearly a legit superstar. My bad.


Jimmy Butler is the “pickup game“ superstar! He’s gotta be a top 5 pick as guys I want on my pick up team if I’m trying to never leave the court and want guys who are down to die trying to keep winning.

It’s a shame because they pretty much forfeited the 2H OG game 1 and game 2.

As with many of the series these games have produced a high level of competitiveness and stretches of classic basketball.

And with as many 3-1 leads as we’ve seen forced to game 7s, I have hope Miami can get there.


Me too

This has already been better than I expected after game one. The heat starting lineup for game two might have been the worst I’ve ever seen in the finals.

I have a bad feeling LeBron will be going nuclear on Sunday night and this one will be over.

LeBron went nuclear in game 5 . He was nailing alot of 3s he normally misses. Duncan Robinson was nailing a bunch of 3’s. I seen alot of wear in tear on the Lakers Bigs. They got to play game 6 like a must win.

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Lebron is not going to lose a game 7

Just don’t see it happening. Lakers are your 2020 champs Sunday (or Tuesday). Lock it in.

Miami won throughout the playoffs on the back of random breakout games from Duncan, Bam, Hero, Dragic.

They got a Hero game so far, they got a Duncan game. Will tonight be Bam? He’s not 100% so it’s tough, and they obviously cannnot get a Dragic game. Makes me wonder what this series would have been had they all been healthy. Then again, AD is now hobbled so we’ll see how it plays out. Would be cool to get a winner take all game and I know you never bet against LeBron in that but I think Jimmy is a different breed. Especially in this neutral setting where it is as close to a pick up game as possible.

Bam looking brutal around the rim wasn’t fun to watch. I hope he’s at least closer to 100%.

Heat have a few weak links in their defense. I’m not sure what miami can do if they decide to put Nunn and herro in the AD/lebron torture chamber.

Dragic on a bike ready to go


Can someone check if Tyler Herro officially has the finals record for most terrible shots hitting the side of the backboard


End this after the third. Brutal beasting.

I’m not sure how I can carry on with my life knowing Dwight Howard will now have a ring.

Was sad how gassed the Heat were and that this was the way they went out.

Alot will get made of Rondo getting his second ring but let’s not forget to give credit to the following multi time champions:
JR Smith
JaValle MaGee


Well as a Celtics fan, I can’t say I’m ecstatic see the Lakers win Banner #17, but uh… no, I have nothing more to add. Pure salt. That LeBron James guy is pretty good.

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A few of those were before they were LA that’s like giving the king’s credit for the title the rochester royals won.

A closer game would have been nice. I thought it was a decent series before that destruction. But i had very little hope any team from the east wasn’t going to get crushed. Heat get some credit for taking a few especially after the injuries.

Credit to jr for having that shirt off so quick I guess.


As a Lakers/Kobe Fan I’m happy they got job done. Kudos to the Heat. Sucks their best lineup couldn’t play the entire series. Injuries to key players always plays a role in modern finals. I’ll appreciate this championship alot. We was spoiled with success during the 2000s. This last decade for Lakers basketball has been challenging. I’m looking forward to seeing how the NBA offseason shakes out & see how they play out next season.


Hopefully we get a tiebreaker in the near future! That Celtics team is on the verge of winning it all. I was just a baby at the end the Magic/Bird run. We both have a ring in the recent finals matchups! Hope they play in fronts of fans again safely at some point next year.

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