The POST - NBA Discussion Thread

Reviving this to see if we can get 10 to do a Fantasy Basketball league .

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I’ve never done Fantasy basketball. How does it work? Is it still head to head against another player each week? Or just who has the most points at the end of the season?

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Sign me up for NBA fantasy! I have almost no experience in in this outside of helping my lil brother draft a team many moons ago.

Anybody doing a playoff pool this year?

Stacked lineup for the Naismith Hall of Fame tomorrow. Tim Duncan, Kobe Bryant, Kevin Garnett etc.
Will definitely go out of my way to catch some of the speeches this year.

Hall of Fame Guide


MJ presenting Kobe is gonna be a tear-jerker.


How was the hall of fame stuff? I was in UFC mode yesterday. I’ll try to watch what I can find when I get home today. I like everyone in the class but the Kobe Stuff will be emotional to say the least

I haven’t seen all of it but the parts that I did see were good. I’m saving the Kobe speech to watch again closely but On 1st viewing it was very good and emotional from his wife.

I haven’t heard Duncan speech yet but I heard it was really good especially the part about Pop. Garnett’s speech was fine but he thanked so many people that I don’t think he took the time to appreciate if you keep people that matter the most.

What was more telling was who he didn’t thank such as Ray Allen

Unfortunately there is a huge riff between Ray Allen and the Boston teammates

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I watched a handful of the speeches today. Duncan’s was probably the highlight. KG was pretty brief, but always an engaging personality. Vanessa Bryant’s speech was emotional, as you’d expect.

Next years inductees were finalized as well today. Paul Pierce, Chris Bosh, Chris Webber, Lauren Jackson, Ben Wallace etc. I’m surprised it took this long for Ben to get in.

I enjoyed all the speeches from HoF. Tim Duncan has a pretty fascinating journey to basketball and his career. I typically don’t watch hall of fames of any sport after getting bored by the WWE and NFL ones. Happy for Webber getting in finally. I wasn’t a huge fan but he has been a highly misunderstood figure in basketball. Ben Wallace getting in is cool. I have beef with teams that beat the Lakers in the finals. But that was a good Detroit team for the next 5 years or so. How do you Canadians feel about Chris Bosh? Great player that probably gets overshadowed. He carried the Raptors post Vince Carter and was the 3rd man during the Heat run.


I guess I will be posting more thoughts on nba here for duration of my interest of the playoffs. I’m a Lakers fan since the mid 90s. The season has been tough due to mid season injuries to LeBron & AD. I be hard pressed to see them lose 2 straight and miss the official playoffs. I like the idea of play in tournament. Basically taking the 1 game wildcard from MLB. If lakers win Wednesday and clinch 7 seed I think they could beat the Suns in 6 games at full strength. I think they be underdogs against the Jazz and going forward. Be the most challenging path for winning a nba championship for a LeBron led team and in general. The 95 Rockets were a 6th seed when they were able to repeat.

ESPN still doing the lame ass Jordan-Lebron GOAT debate and Stephen A Smith and Max Kellerman obsessing over this shite. Enough with it already!!!

Yeah I can’t stand that stuff. I don’t watch any sport debate talk show anymore. Most of those people don’t want to give LeBron the credit he deserves. They bring up the same pros and cons. Suprise there still is a audience for it now. Was happy lakers got the win in a good game. Now I need to brace myself for the late east coast schedule of laker games for the playoffs.

Not sure if there are any NBA fans even on this board, but if there are, the things that I said last year about LaBron, please tell me that people saw it this year. The guy is great, but he just acts like a child on the court. I can go into detail, but I assume anyone that watched knows exactly what Im talking about.

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Ya, there really isnt much left to say. MJ is done, so any points related to him are old. Same for Kareem, and while LaBron keeps going, he’s past his prime (still great, this is not a shot). Nothing LBJ does at this point good or bad should change his standing. As a result, its the same debate over and over and over again.

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People are where they are on LeBron good and bad. He has forge a great career and overall good person. He isn’t MJ,Kobe or who ever people want to compare him too. Does he complain about calls and maybe puts his foot in his mouth on certain topics? Sure. But which one of us hasn’t? I just think he is a product of over exposure by traditional media and social media era where more people are vocal on what they don’t like. Some of it is unfair to him but I degress. He’ll of player tho. The guys prime has lasted damn near 18 seasons until he injured his ankle in February. He will be one of greats and heavy influence to future basketball players.

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@Mr_MMA_Wrestling_247 (sorry, I forgot to click reply)

A lot of this is fair, to be honest I think he’s better than Kobe, and I loved Kobe. My issue with LaBron has always been the whininess. I said it last year, and Ill say it again, he reminds me a lot of Sidney Crosby, and the interesting thing is that both of them in some ways have a very similar stories. Both prodigies that were told their entire lives that they were going to be the next Gretzky/Jordan, and both kind of did it. I can’t help but wonder has something to do with it as being told things like that growing up is bound to create a level of entitlement.

If he stopped with the overexaggerating, whininess and childish behavior, it would make it much easier to cheer for him. I know many are trying to use this Phoenix series to tarnish his legacy, and while he has done some embarrassing things, his accomplishments will never go away. Regardless, even if he doesn’t change a thing, there is no taking away his greatness, he has been the best player I have seen play since Jordan, and since 2011 he has dominated the league.

This is why the NBA on TNT is legit the greatest sports pundit show ever in the world. Because of random shite like this. :rofl:

No wrestling tonight. Let’s go Raptors!!!