The POST - NBA Discussion Thread

Ah well. Good effort by the boys to come back and not lay down and die. Embiid jaw jacking with fans after winning by 30 was weird.

Excited for the future with Scottie. Would love to see a deal for SGA.

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Congrats Warriors!

Steph Curry: LEGEND

I once had lunch with an NBA Finals MVP. Cool!



Welp, there’s always next year.

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Curry’s buddy belongs to a private golf course up in Caledon Ontario. He sometimes comes there to play (they don’t use his name) but we recognize his buddies name and my friend will try to jump on and get us a tee time right after or before him. Super friendly guy

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Back when he got drafted, 09 I believe, I served his family birthday cake for his Dad at the draft. We had a moment where he declined and said he didn’t like chocolate so I removed the chocolate part and offered it again saying “me neither”

Fast forward a few weeks and I’m at Rookie summit stuff and he was sitting alone where lunch was set up and served buffet style. I had got my lunch and saw him alone. Was a big fan and walked over and said “Steph, why no friends? Can I join you”

I told him I was an intern and in school (were like a year or two apart) and mentioned the Draft, and he goes I remember you, I honestly didn’t want cake before doing Media but was impressed you did that”

I remember being so nervous like I can’t just be a fanboy. So I asked was there anywhere he cared about being drafted or happy with GS and he jokes anywhere but Minnesota who has picks before GS because it would ruin his golf game in the winter. And I lit up and we spent 25 min talking about golf and mostly playing golf with our dads growing up.

And I always wonder if I ever got close enough to him again and mentioned this if he’d remember. I oddly think he would. He remembered some random kid backstage at draft, and there was something so pure about him. I remember thinking it was because of the small school but massive star by the end of the Davidson run. He was so humble. I know he seems cocky AF now but that emotion that came out him at the end of the finals last night was the same Steph I had lunch with who sat alone while Harden, Blake and the UNC crew all clowned around in groups. Steph was always in a place of his own.

Also Blake Griffin almost broke my hand shaking it and then looked scared like he’d hurt an NBA official. And Jrue Holiday has a lovely grandma. That was a fun summer work experience.

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Amazing story!!! I think he would remember to he seems really down to earth.

Contrast that with a Lebron, who showed up to the hospital where my friend work because he needed an MRI after game. (He’s a physician there) So my friend helps him get the MRI and then help him flag down a cab because it doesn’t know how to do that in Toronto. Can’t even be bothered to acknowledge him or say two

Is anyone interested in a fantasy basketball league?


Yes If somebody else organized

I’m down!!

I can organize it

I’m definitely down.

Yay! This is exciting

I’m off of work next week and just finishing up Sunday so I’m more than happy to help set this up starting Monday. I think we can accommodate up to 12 people.

Looks like 7 so far. If anyone else is in let me know!

I think this may have gotten lost in the shuffle. I can create league if we still have folks who want in.

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Basketball season is upon us! Join my league Post Master General.

Click Here: Join League | Fantasy Basketball | Yahoo! Sports

If anyone is interested

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And what’s great about being an NBA fan now is that these guys are sticking around for ten more years. I’m happy!


are we doing a fantasy ?

I had a league up but no one joined before the draft. :frowning:

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I did! Bummer. It’s okay. Fantasy leagues are hard to run and get participation in.

LeBron James is now the NBA’s all-time scoring leader, surpassing Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.