US Senate to investigate Saudi incident. How will this affect the Saudi/WWE relationship?

It’s not on the arenas official site. They’re here for raw and smackdown on 5/6th November which is listed, they have nothing listed for 3rd.

So it’s now confirm, they will be doing the event in saudi arabia next week, so unless President Trump forbid them to go, it seem like it’s set in stone that the event will take place.

I don’t know how many times I can state this, what Trump wants doesn’t matter. What the sponsors and Fox wants does. Trump isn’t paying the bills, but the sponsors and soon Fox are. It comes down to them first and foremost.

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Yeah but them confirming that the show is on and that they will respect the contract, pretty much says that the sponsors are on board with this and fox will be as well. So unless the government stop them, the show will go on and they will go back for the rest of the length of the contract.

Here is a question I’d love to know the answer to, but given today’s earnings call, we aren’t getting any time soon:

If Fox is paying them $200mil a year starting Q4 2019, and USA is paying up for Raw, and they are expanding internationally with new deals pending in markets such as India and the UK. how much money is the Saudi government paying them that they would not scrap the show or the deal as it was present a material change to their business???

i think that it’S more complicated then just money, i don’t know what the contract said but i’m sure that whatever it said had a big effect on the decision of doing the show anyway. But like i wrote before, Only Thoses that were there during the contract signing knows what was in the contract but i’m sure it was big enough for them not to attempt to get out of the deal…

outside of money what could the contract possibly stipulate? Does the WWE owe more money than they stand to gain if they back out (i.e. contract for $50mil but they pay $100mil if they back out) - what idiot agreed to anything that was this iron clad that an admitted murderous regime still has them by the grapefruits

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I dont care where they have the show, I wont lie and say I’m not hyped for this event, because I am. I think it could be one of the better WWE events in the last while.

The outrage can’t even trend on rasslin specific trending topics today.

Maybe McMahon sent those bombs so people will look the other way

The weird thing is that when you look at the network schedule, they only have one replay of the show which makes me think that they really don’t have to put to much of a spotlight on this show because normally, they would have multiple replay the day of the show and also on Sunday but for this one, nothing since on Sunday they have a replay of evolution in the afternoon and are playing survivor series 90 in the evening instead of replays of crown jewel.