Vince McMahon accused of Sex Trafficking / Resignation đŸ§”

This isn’t just a Vince issue and the lawsuit establishes that, several people knew, some of whom are still there today. He shared texts and nudes of her with tech crew, he tried to pawn her off to Brock to get him to re-sign, he sexually assaulted her repeatedly and so on. Many people knew, and either participated or stuck their heads in the sand. Remember, this is only from one woman over the last 5 years, it was established when he was ousted the first time in 2022, that there were several other NDAs, all because he got too big of an ego and believed he didn’t need to keep paying the NDA he coerced her to sign, a true POS.

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Please don’t construe this as me defending Vince McMahon, because I literally want to vomit after reading this thing. But there is nothing in that filing (which is not an unbiased legal document, by the way) that implicates Triple H, Stephanie McMahon or Nick Khan. Now, do I believe the “special committee” was a sham? Absolutely. But that (on its own) doesn’t make Stephanie McMahon or anybody else other than Vince guilty of sex trafficking.

You got it right on the Jericho thing and other posters here, including myself, got it wrong and hopefully learned from it. Sorry to see it’s just because you like that company’s wrestling matches better.

Ah yes, of course, that’s what this comes down to. Of course this is a WWE vs. AEW preference thing.

No, it doesn’t. But they certainly enabled and supported somebody committing those crimes, and actively covered it up.

I’m sorry, but from my understanding this is exactly what the committee was investigating, so I’m not sure how the interim CEO wouldn’t be aware of the subject being investigated by said committee after they concluded their investigation and passed on the findings.


And from his outing in 2022, we know that there were several other NDAs signed that they covered up. So most likely, he did way more to other women than just this poor lady, this is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of their covering up.

Anyone who was working at the board and executive levels and is still there should be suspended pending an investigation and if it is found out that they enabled Vince, they should go, doesn’t matter if it is Nick Khan, Triple H or whoever.

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I’ve said then and now that it was a sham investigation. And disgustingly, there were a lot of other known (and possibly unknown) accusations against VKM. That doesn’t prove who specifically knew what. If and when we find out who knew what, I will loudly consider everybody who knew about it to be a sex trafficker.

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Yeah, I’m with you on that. And just to be clear, I don’t think Stephanie is necessarily guilty of anything other than knowing what the subject matter was. Her departure from the company was abrupt and now it’s starting to make sense why she didn’t want to work with her father anymore. The real monsters here are Vince and Laurinaitis.

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These are excerpts from the lawsuit that was filed against Vince

21 - In June 2021, McMahon and Defendant Laurinaitis sexually assaulted Ms. Grant inside Laurinaitis’ office in WWE headquarters while colleagues were busy at their desks. Behind a locked door, the two men cornered her and pulled her in between them, forcibly touched her, before ultimately putting her on top of a table in between them. She begged them to stop, but they forced themselves on her, each taking turns restraining her for the other, while saying “No means yes” and “Take it, bitch”

22 - Unsurprisingly, others at WWE knew what was going on. But instead of intervening to protect Ms. Grant, WWE actively sought to conceal the wrongdoing.

183 - McMahon and Laurinaitis ignored her plea and brought her into Laurinaitis’ office, forcibly touching and undressing her before forcing her to engage in a threesome on a conference table. Ms. Grant pleaded, “No, no, no” and “Please stop”, McMahon responded with “No means yes” Ms. Grant again told them to stop. Instead, McMahon licked his fingers and penetrated Ms. Grant and said, “Take it, bitch." With each taking turns restraining her for the other, Laurinaitis then joined by forcibly shoving his tongue, then penis, into Ms. Grant’s mouth.

184 - On June 23, 2021, around 11:42am, McMahon directed Ms. Grant – in the middle of a workday - to meet him on a lower floor. When Ms. Grant arrived, McMahon led her inside his private locker room, locked the door, and forced himself on her over a massage table. Later that day, $15,000 in gift cards to Bloomingdales were purchased at McMahon’s direction and delivered by McMahon’s personal assistant to Ms. Grant in her office.

149 - For instance, on August 28, 2020, Ms. Grant texted McMahon that she was injured during their latest sexual encounter, as a result of McMahon’s insistence on penetrating Ms. Grant with “extra-large” sex toys, including a vibrating wand that caused her to panic. McMahon ignored Ms. Grant’s warning that the device was not meant for insertion and forcefully shoved the wand inside of her so deeply that it became stuck for a period. She texted she was in pain and “bleeding a lot between last night and today” and “I’m on the floor right now bcuz I can’t get comfortable” and on August 29, 2020, she texted him an update that she was “still really uncomfortable” and “I got hurt in some way that I’m having trouble describing.” McMahon did apologize, saying that “Sometimes I just get carried away.”

We are not talking about unwanted sexual advances, we have crossed into possible rape charges here. If there is proof of these text messages and of these encounters then this is a much bigger deal than a civil lawsuit and everyone who enabled & covered McMahon’s behavior should be trialed with him for obstruction of justice.


They all enabled him and looked the other way. Wonder how Netflix feels about having archival footage of Vince acting like a creep to women on TV.

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So when people bring up Triple H, Nick Khan, Stephanie McMahon and others, it’s in the context of other potential executives who would have known and not stopped it. So far, Vince, Johnny Ace and Brock have been implicated, but anyone trying to hide it is also very bad.

They were apart of it in that way. The issue with the investigation that didn’t contact her does involve the three I mentioned.

So you fire Triple H, Nick Khan and any of Vince’s stooges. Then what? You could hire from within, but what did other people know? When she was locked in that room, what did other people in the company know?

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Nobody is saying that nobody knew, what I am saying is that we shouldnt point fingers at anyone until they are actually named by a victim or proven to be involved.

Take the example that Vince shared photos, just because Vince showed someone a naked photo of someone doesnt mean that the person viewing the photo knew that Vince was trafficking the women. Again, doesnt mean they didnt, but doesnt mean they did. We don’t know who knew or didnt know what.

Voted back in after he fired half the board and probably told the other half he’d fire them to if they didnt do it. Again, we dont know who knew what. Some could have heard rumors, some could have known bits and pieces, some could have known nothing. Some could have tried to fix the issues from within, some could have just not cared. You don’t know, I don’t know, nobody on this board knows. Lets let the actual information come out before forming strong definitive opinions.

You mentioned above to @RocketKing a comment about this becoming a WWE vs AEW thing. Read what I wrote in that thread and what I wrote in this thread, it is very consistent which i can’t say for everyone. Judge people when its proved they committed a crime/immoral act or at the very least are accused of one. Don’t bring up peoples names based on speculation and create narratives (even if they are possible/probable) because at the end of the day, its still speculation.

Variety with the latest update.


I would hope they’d all be done. They all fucking knew, they all tried to hide it. Stephanie, HHH, Ari, Nick Khan, TKO, a fair few wrestlers it seems. Hell they tried to memorialize him on the way out on TV even.

They roped Vince out on Monday, because TKO didn’t think this would come out.

The f**kers thought they got away with it

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Again, you COULD be right, but this is all speculation. This is why the internet is so damn toxic, people jump to conclusions and attack without any level of proof. I get ripping Vince, its been proven what he did. Nobody knows about the others.

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This lawsuit is also big because it seems to be setting up an argument that could void all the other NDAs Vince had women sign.

And NDA can’t be used to precent people from reporting crimes. If there’s physical and emotional abuse. NDAs are null and void.

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I’d like to know who thought it was a good idea to parade Vince out on Monday. :joy:

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OSW being classy as always.

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