Vince McMahon accused of Sex Trafficking / Resignation šŸ§µ

It really doesnā€™t matter. Being around Vince and the industry for 20-30+ years, even gossip of these incidents have to have been going around. Btw, John Laurinatis, I hope this dude goes to the pen.

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Why are you willing to believe reports of power struggles with no actual proof vs. What Iā€™m saying here?

Why is a court document allegation less believable to you than words from the wrestling media?

I think itā€™s fair to say we all have our own biased feelings I suppose.

My reference to mental gymnastics isnā€™t at you - but at a ton of people Iā€™ve seen trying to draw a similar line in the sand. Honestly wasnā€™t trying to take a shot.

Ok fair enough. I thought you were taking a shot at me, if not, I apologize.

For the record, I donā€™t know if the rumours are 100% true of the internal struggle. I admit that. If I had to differentiate, Iā€™d say that the internal struggle has been reported by many in the wrestling media, and Vinceā€™s actions (firing Regal, gutting NXT, essentially kicking Hunter out when he almost died etc. seem to play to that narrative) if it was just reported by the Haussmans of the world I would be skeptical, but it was by the Metzers etc. of the world. A court filling is written by one legal team, I am not saying what that legal team is saying is false, I am saying deeper investigation needs to take place as the TKO higher ups canā€™t just look at a court filling and say ā€œend of story, we know what we need to knowā€. Even the victim doesnā€™t necessarily know who knew what behind the scenes

Maybe I am naive, but from everything I have read about Hunter and heard from people who know him well is that nothing about him makes me think he is the kind of guy that would rape women or sit back as someone else was raping them. He did vote for Vince to be brought back, but again that was after Vince fired half the board and forced himself back. He was coming back regardless of what anyone said or did.

Now as far as Vince goes, not even a little surprised. A couple years ago maybe, not in 2024. I feel like I am a broken record, but this is why I want an investigation. If hunter was guilty, get him out, but I am not going to go after a guy without more proof and a proper investigation.

This is what is supposed to separate us here in North America from places like Saudi Arabia. When someone is accused of something there is something called due process. Over there, the person with power just makes a unilateral decision not caring about any type of investigation or facts. This is just one of many issues many of us have with that way of thinking and why many of us are not happy WWE is working with them. I didnā€™t make a mistake last night in what I brought up the Saudiā€™sā€¦ā€¦if people believe that due process should exist over there, you should believe it it here as well and this idea of trial by twitter is gross to me.

So to be abundantly clear, I AM NOT saying let anyone off the hook, I am saying to do a proper investigation by a third party and get rid of those proven to be involved. Just blindly firing people is a knee jerk reaction and is something companies do when trying to garner positive PR.

I always love the rekindling of my favorite Post Wrestling feud, AEW Superfan @MarkP vs @kliq



Iā€™m not sure how my AEW fandom play into this at all, though.

And I think anybody reducing this to a tribalism thing is missing the point of all of this discussion.

I enjoy watching AEW - but it anything similar were to come out about people there, Iā€™d want them out. (And no, I donā€™t put the same weight behind random Nick Hausman twitter fodder, as a 60+ page legal filing with an actual victim coming forward.).


@MarkP and I definitely have opposing views at times lol, but I do think he is a good guy and I think we both ultimately come from a good place. Watch an interview with him, heā€™s very likeable and you can tell.

Despite all our debating, if I met him in real life Iā€™d shake his hand and just chat wrestling.


I enjoy it, because its a respectful feud, with good points always from both sides.


Itā€™s very clear, they want to go to trial. Which means discovery. Which means a whole lot is going to get exposed.

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Both @MarkP and @kliq are solid dudes. Love the back and forth when intelligent people speak


I love how people on this forum, if you meet them in real life, you would grab a beer and just all laugh and get along. Everyone is a fun and good person and I really enjoy the smart banter here (versus a Dana white meathead saying ā€œleashā€ over and over again)


I think thatā€™s due to two thingsā€¦

  1. Due to the tone POST sets in general and the community they inspire.

  2. We are on a message board in 2024. Most of us are, at our youngest, in their 30ā€™s. Most of us have our lives mostly in order. Most of us have responsibilities. To come on a message board is to have a discussion and not to troll, because most of us who stick around a while, donā€™t have time for that shit.


Thereā€™s an actual email sent to Vince by one of the board members that was later fired around the time Vince had his hostile takeover in early 2023 that states:

Interpret that whatever way you will but it is not a good look an opens up more questions than answers.

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Iā€™m not sure what this proves outside of the board knowing of some type of wrong doing.

That wrong doing they knew of could been him using company funds, sleeping with employees consensually, or him raping someone. Itā€™s a very vague statement which should be investigated as to the meaning.

They definitely want the perception that they want to go to trial, and they may, but this also may be a tactic in order to maximize the settlement. To a degree, this point of any legal case is a game of chicken.

It will be interesting (not fun, I hate that this is what we are talking about right now opposed to actual wrestling) to see how this plays out.

Holy non-Answers Paul, at the presser, to actual questions thrown his way by Alba, Thurston and Ceehawk.


HHH is such a joke. All the shit that TK rightfully gets for giving no comment should be 10X to him after tonight. Great job by the reporters tonight and completely embarrassing responses by HHH. Send his ass packing



Cody handled it much better, props to him. HHH was a complete embarrassment. Just say no comment or read a statement at the start and refer to that. Who is handling PR for these fools?

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Itā€™s funny. Cody Rhodes is sometimes made fun of for his politician tendancies and that probably got him his heat in AEW with fans. But, the fact he handled that question from Nick Hausman with dignity says a lot about him.

Triple H is a piece of shit and I hope TKO fire him. Fuck him. Iā€™m furious about him trying to dismiss what happened and just talk about what a positive week this was. The only positive was finding out Cody might have a new job title in the future because this clown needs to go. Him and his old boys club bullshit needs to go. This is why Vince got away with so much shit.