This is why we are losing the fight with COVID

One of the big things that is exacerbating this situation is that even people who generally trust the science and follow the rules are still making exceptions when it is convenient for them.

“A better idea” does not necessarily equal “a good idea“.

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To give you an idea my hospital is in such COVID surge we are sending patients to virtually all other hospitals. It’s getting really full again and the end isn’t as in sight as it was last time

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Thats really sucks

I’m worried the combo platter of people not caring, Thanksgiving/Xmas, being forced indoors, and schools is going to make for a really long January in a lot of places.

I was very specifically referencing rallies outside that were for a one-time event. I’m not sure how that is bad faith. I never evoked a single indoor rally which were months ago in my post. I dated it Nov 1 as in, coverage of out door campaign events. One week ago, Trump campaign rallies outside were covered as dangerous, and today mass gatherings of even more people were applauded by the same outlets. I’m not sure that is a bad faith argument, and it’s not cool to call it one if your context is to insert your own spin. If it’s something you disagree with or can defend why it got covered those ways, that is more than welcome, but you kinda misrepresented what I said.

Personal Opinion: if people want to gather like this, it’s awesome. For whatever reason. It’s actually inspiring to see people willing to celebrate.

Back to the topic of this thread, about containing the virus, my post was about how if people are being honest with each other - in good faith - this is why we don’t control the spread. Everyone is going to do whatever they want whether it is for one day or many days, big rallies or small gatherings. The American way is not one of discipline. At the same time, we’ve created a societal conflict where each side points at the other saying what is good or bad; so no matter what the obvious public good is, nobody feels compelled to follow it. To @RocketKing point overwhelming majority is doing “what is convenient for them” at this point unless high risk situations demand stricter adherence.

I’m sorry to hear that. I know how much I worry with my father so I can only imagine how you feel as a parent.

We’re on the exact same page when it comes to the frustration. I can’t stand it when people make excuses when its convenient for them to do so (you can literally see it in this thread). If everybody just collectively listed from the start, this virus would be no where close to where it is today.

I believe that as well.

It’s really strained a few relationships in my life but I keep telling myself that there is (hopefully) an end in sight.


It’s definitely produced a weird midlife existential crisis

As a recent orphan (pre-covid) my heart goes out to you. I hope you and your father can get together soon and I really mean that. But I’ll still always push back on people that are absolutist. I get you are angry that people are outside celebrating while you are dealing with your personal matters, I totally empathize with that. But I also empathize with some New Yorkers that might what to celebrate that they might finally get some help to pay the rent and get them though winter. We are social animals and lockdowns are hard, even harder coming into a long cold winter.

It’s very easy for people to say “stay at home”. But in practise for many its very hard. Not everyone can work from home. Being alone is incredibly hard for mental health. How’s rent being paid?

We tell people to “stay at home”, but what about making sure they eat well and exercise? I hope you are not eating too much sugar at home, you’ll have a selfish weak immune system!

I personally save my anger for government. They had a lot of time in the summer to make the winter more bareable, but they failed. I find people shitting on one anther for this kind of stuff (being outside) a bit silly.

Man, I never once read an article about outside rallies being super spreader events. But if that’s true I guess shame on me.

We’re on the same page when it comes to empathizing with people. New Yorkers that may want to celebrate, l understand that, but you can do it in a way that isnt going to result in the spread of the virus. Go see a friend and sit out doors, sure, no problem. Stand shoulder to shoulder with hundreds of people cheering, I’m sorry but its just not smart.

I also agree that we are social animals, I’m in my 30’s and I’m in perfect health (knock on wood), so I realize that I probably could go out and I would just be fine, however I know that I have a responsibly not to do so, and if other followed suit the world would be a much better place right now.

I would never say someone shouldnt go to work. I agree people need to feed their family, pay the rent etc. Going out because you have to is fine, going out because you want to celebrate something is just not the same thing.

Not even sure what the exercise comment is about, if its just more sarcasm, good one.
If you’re being literal which I doubt, people can go on walks, people can exercise from home. There are ways to take care of yourself without putting others at risk.

What I find silly is defending this as OK:



I do appreciate your words in the first paragraph though.

Again, not defending it, I just understand it and I wouldn’t lock these people up for doing it.

For the record, I wouldn’t lock them up either. I said it was selfish, not criminal.

Cool, I’ll agree to disagree.

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I would do worse than lock them up, but thats just me. People would probably be wishing for Trump back, if I had any sort of power.

How many more millions of people are potentially being put at risk, because people just NEED to go out and celebrate and just NEED a reason to act like fucking animals. Fuck that shit.

I know its easier said than done, but I wish from the start, we could have locked everyone down. You dont leave your house for 4 months, unless it is to go shopping for groceries. Something is figured out for peoples rent and shit. I dont know. Again, a lot easier said than done. But if the virus has no hosts, then I’d think it would be gone a lot quicker. And for those who disobey the rules, well again…I believe in harsh punishment.

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I’m not at all on board with these mass gatherings when it’s a celebration.

Protests for what you consider a big issue are different. Going out to work or to buy necessities or to exercise is obviously not a problem.

Now I’d probably have a different opinion if the vaccines weren’t looking so promising.


It is so fucking infuriating. I’m a homebody as it is. I generally prefer to be at home, unless I’m on vacation. So the lockdown is nothing for me. There’s different things about this whole situation that depress me. But I also have family who have issues. My 88 year old grandfather is diabetic. My 84 year old grandmother was in the hospital with pneumonia for most of 2019.

So many of us have to make sacrifices and to see the people who just do not give a fuck, who want to use any excuse to rally or party or riot or whatever. Or who refuse to wear masks. It isnt right.


At the end of the day you cannot lock people up if they aren’t breaking any laws, so if anything your argument should be that government needs to implement new laws and enforce them.

The issue with that is then you are relying on police, and with everything going on in the US in 2020 that would just lead to other issues.

It is sad though that some just don’t care.

I run a small business, and I have implemented very very strong policy when it comes to dealing with this. However, every once in a while we get an idiot that comes in not want to wear a mask or not wanting to sanitize. I had one lady tell us that she refused to have her temperature checked because she claimed the thermometer may contain toxic radiation. We told her to leave and then she complied.

Of course you can lock people up as a deterrernt, that is, if you have a fascist governemnt.

Just as China, North Korea, or Cuba has demonstrated, Orwellian regimes work!

Yup, that’s not good either.

My mom tested positive after she was at our house… shes fine though just minor symptoms. Halloween was a bad idea though cuz our area in Washington had minimal cases but now its spreading like wildfire. I can’t get tested cuz im not showing symptoms but am quarantined 14 days cuz of the exposure. Fun times I tell ya