Vince McMahon accused of Sex Trafficking / Resignation đŸ§”

Don’t get me wrong - Shawn has spent the last twenty years trying to rehab his image. But there is a decade plus of him that is full of horror stories about him.

This article is interesting, and it is pushing a narrative that I figured would begin to happen. Here is a paragraph from it:

McMahon secretly had the NDAs drafted and entered into them without WWE’s knowledge—which is why, when the company became aware of his hush money payments, it had to issue revised earning statements.

I believe we are going to start seeing a lot of things like this. Wouldn’t surprise me to start seeing words like “unilateral” “dictator” etc. being used. I would put money on it that WWE is going to start pushing this to distance themselves from McMahon. Similar to Miramax/Weinstein.

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They need to wipe anyone who was there when Vince was there. If you believe Laurinaitis, they all were compromised and did nothing out of fear. None of them should be in a position of power.

Johnny Ace is trying to keep himself out of prison. The type of legal team that Vince can afford can destroy his credibility in five minutes. The prosecution needs witnesses/proof who aren’t trying to save themselves. I think they’ll get it (or already have it), but whatever it is, it probably doesn’t lean too heavily on the testimony of John Laurinaitis.

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So, I’ll bite
Let’s say that you clean house and you fire literally every creative executive, including Triple H & Shawn Michaels. Who do you appoint where then? Do you really want another Jim Herd situation but for WWE?

For the record, I’m not in the “clean house camp”, I’m in the “do a proper investigation and fire those that deserve to be fired camp”, as I don’t believe in trial by Twitter/BLOG writers”.

With that said, if those that some believe to be guilty are guilty, then they should be fired in which case the first name that pops in my head is Paul Heyman.


Can you explain? I havent seen his name mentioned at all and he doesnt seem like someone that would be in Vinces inner circle. Have I missed something regarding him?

You do realize there are dozens of capable people in that locker room who could help with booking and creative, right?

I’m not aware of any special skills Paul Lesveque seems to have over many others.

Off the top of my head, a solid creative team using the likes of Jeremy Borash, Gabe Sapolsky, Steve Corino, Paul Heyman (if he is found to be clean with the implications of the Brock accusations), hell, Cody Rhodes, Kevin Owens, CM Punk, and a bunch of others - have all shown the interest in booking. I’m sure a Scott D’Amore would jump at the chance. Eric Bischoff for all his faults plays the role of a corporate executive very well when he needs to. And these are just people from within the existing professional wrestling bubble.

This is not an impossible task. And the minute you buy into this notion that it is, is defending the idea of changing the culture and environment.

The person I see most likely as the corporate face of the company given his relationships is Dwayne Johnson. I feel like the Mania changes prove that it is a direction they’re going.

Brock’s accusations to many would muddy the waters for Heyman, given their business and personal relationships.

You’re not wrong. But if you want to play that game, you can “six degrees of separation” just about anybody in the wrestling business and lump them in with rapists and sex traffickers. Which, to be honest, might end up being the reality for many when this whole thing is unraveled. But it’s not fair to do right now just because of “who rides with who”.


I’m saying who I think would take over head of creative if certain people are fired. I’m not implying heyman would be fired.

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I think Maria’s post speaks volumes. I’m sure everyone to varying degrees heard stories about things going on. Hell, myself, I always figured Vince was sleeping with women left and right. To fire or rid of people who heard things could mean the entire WWE roster, half the AEW roster, half the TNA roster.

There is a big difference between someone knowing that people are sleeping with other people with the impression it’s consentual vs someone knowing exact details are realizing woman were being raped while it was all going down.

Could easily see Gerwitz going after a corporate position and being the guy to replace Triple H.

I feel very strongly that if a house cleaning takes place - the public facing side of WWE will all be based around Dwayne Johnson. He’s childhood friends with Nick Khan - who if he survives this - is likely to be right there with Rock.

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Not saying John L is innocent, but this was interesting to hear. Im sure John’s lawyers will bring this up and push the narrative that a complaint against Vince just got you demoted or fired.

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Is there supposed to be more reviews there? I only see one.