Vince McMahon accused of Sex Trafficking / Resignation šŸ§µ

Technically, it should be a third measure of only paying $1 million, right? Donā€™t want to give this guy any good will or charity. LOL. :laughing: :rofl: :kissing_heart: :blush:

Obviously, your point is entirely on point!

Itā€™s shocking that the main reason weā€™re learning the abhorrent details and nature of this story is because a billionaire couldnā€™t and didnā€™t believe he needed to maintain his end of a financial and legal agreement which would have cost him a pittance in the scope of things. The arrogance on display and how Vince views the world is baffling, speaking nothing to anything in this case or the treatment of other women - both the named and unknown. It adds a real air of incredulousness to a laundry list of abhorrent and vicious criminal activities in the court filings. Iā€™m truly astonished by all of this is so, so many regards.


Not to compare one to the other too closely, but Vince also bought Stampede Wrestling and never paid for it: Bret Hart Reveals Vince McMahon Never Paid Stu Hart For Stampede Wrestling, Says He Owed $750,000

Do what you want and assume you can afford more legal fees than they can. :us:


Mainstream outlet picking up things.


Damn, good headline Deadspin. :laughing:


The more things change, the more they stay the same:

For additional context:

Iā€™m starting to feel that this will die in the news cycle. There are people in the company who should be gone, but Iā€™m starting to feel theyā€™re all safe in their jobs. Maybe Iā€™m just cynical.

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I donā€™t think youā€™re cynical, youā€™re realistic. Unless new stuff comes out, the story will slowly go away just like last time.

Itā€™s been less than a week. Fully expecting a whole lot more to come.

Let me re-phraseā€¦ā€¦if more info that is worse or includes additional people then what has already came out.

I know you strongly are going to disagree with this as you have already told me, but I still believe they are going to settle.

What about the following statement, released by Janel Grant through her lawyer, sounds at all like somebody looking to settle?

ā€œShe hopes any doors of secrecy have been blown off their hinges and that fresh air fills the headquarters. And she hopes those at the company, past and present, who fear speaking out about harm is a thing of the past. She wishes everyone peace.ā€

Truly, everything. In a civil court case when the plaintiff has all the leverage because of public outcry, the best thing to do is convince the other side youā€™re willing to go to trial. That is how a good lawyer gets the defendant to pay as much as possible. My guess, is that this time they demand the money up front in full.

Remember, this is not a criminal case, this is a civil case.

I know you donā€™t agree with me, we donā€™t have to re-hash the same debate we have already have. I understand your perspective, I just donā€™t agree. Though I do acknowledge that anything can happen.


I think the $7.5m NDA was for an on-screen diva who got fired in 2005 abruptly with no explanation. Probably someone who competed in the Diva search and got hired after its conclusion.

She might not be looking to settle but if her case is very good it would be in WWEā€™s best interest to give them an offer she canā€™t refuse. Trump just lost a jury court defamation case for $80M. If WWE offers Janel Grant $80M to not go to court that is a lot of zeroā€™s to say no too. Thatā€™s generational wealth changing money.

We are all just speculating. The reality is we have no idea whatā€™s going to happen on a wide spectrum of possible outcomes.

Possible Outcome 1: The MarkP reckoning outcome. The worst case scenario for WWE. The publicity around the lawsuit encourages local DAā€™s to investigate and levy criminal charges against McMahon and most of WWEā€™s current executives. The investigation spirals into the wrongdoings of 15+ years of bad behavior by talent and the front office. The stock tanks. Their broadcasters and sponsors all pull out. The combination of jury trials and criminal trials basically shuts down WWE. If it gets this bad you could expect more people to join Janel Grant and make it a class action lawsuit. Endeavour either shuts down or sells WWE for peanuts (maybe to Tony Khan) to try to save the UFC.

This would basically be unheard of in corporate America with a massive billion dollar multi-national business with strong political ties. It seems very unlikely.

Possible Outcome 2: McMahon and Laurenitis become the focus. WWEā€™s lawyers push the narrative that this was all McMahonā€™s fault. Which there is a bit of legitimacy too. If somebody saw something backstage who are they supposed to ā€œwhistleblowerā€ too when McMahon is in charge? WWE is able to successfully carve itself out from the lawsuit and settle separately. Possibly for an insane amount of money. While there is a jury trial and possibly criminal trials into McMahon alone.

This is basically the Harvey Weinstein scenario. He was arrested and sued but Miramax lived on.

Possible Outcome 3: It just all goes away. Lawyers are able to successfully dodge the lawsuit and McMahon and WWE are able to get away relatively unscathed just like they have with the many previous controversies and charges that have been levied against the company. Their lawyer feeā€™s would be insane. And I imagine in this scenario there would still be some backstage fallout for anyone close to McMahon. Heā€™s still not allowed back. But other key executives are able to keep their jobs.

Unfortunately this is the most common outcome in the very difficult legal system.

And an infinite number of possibilities between these three. I think Outcome 2 or 3 is the most likely. But maybe MarkP will be right. Then he would win the award for most unlikely prediction of 2024.

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Very well said.

Here is my logic as to why I think they will settle. She already agreed to settle last year for 3million. So with all the crimes already committed (ie. to my knowledge nothing has happened since the settlement), 3mil was enough to convince her to not go to trial. The only reason she is suing now is because Vince violated the agreement by only paying her 1mil.

I canā€™t help but ask the question if I am trying to predict the outcome, if 3 million was a sufficient amount of money for her to settle a year or so ago, if they threw an insane number at her (lets just use 80M since you said it), I cant see her turning that down when she just accepted 3mil. Even if it was 5mil, 10mil, 15mil etc. same idea.

Not to mention, now she is getting the best of all worlds. She is able to provide life long security for everybody she cares about with what you said would be generational wealth. She is still successful in taking down her rapists as Vince and John are done, and lastly I highly doubt she wants to re-live the most traumatizing time in her life in front of a court room as Iā€™m sure scumbag lawyers will do everything in their power to blame her and paint her in the worst way possible publicly (which sucks, but is what will happen). Also, I have to imagine after a public case like this and new ownership in WWE, any rape culture that may exist outside of Vince/John is surely going to be over.

Remember this isnā€™t Criminal, this is Civil. The goal in this case is to get money, thats what a Civil Trial is. I highly doubt the motivation of possibly getting some other execs fired because they may have known something was going on (to what degree, who knows) for generational money seems far fetched to me. And as far as going through with this for the hope that it increases the probability of a Criminal trial and putting Vince behind barsā€¦I HATE that I have to say this, but to get a conviction for rape on a almost 80 year old Billionaire is very hard in the US court system. Look at Cosby, while he did go to jail, heā€™s already out and he raped something like 50+ women where he admitted to giving them drugs so he could have sex with them while unconscious. The Stanford Rapist who raped a passed out girl behind a dumpster got what, 3 months? The US justice system with this sort of thing is a shit show, and for all those reasons I just canā€™t see her legal team telling her to not settle. And this doesnā€™t even account for the fact that Vinceā€™s best buddy could be running the US in a year, so who knows what type of influence that will have on the matter. If Iā€™m thinking these things, Iā€™m sure her lawyers are thinking these things and much much much deeper then me.

Again, not what I ā€œwantā€, but what I think will happen. Its weird, I almost feel guilty debating @MarkP on this subject as he clearly feels strongly about a version of outcome 1 being the outcome, and I hope I donā€™t come off like I am ā€œpro Vinceā€ which I am not even a little bit, but I just feel like that narrative is unrealistic (Iā€™m sorry @MarkP I truly donā€™t mean any disrespect). I just try think about what the most logical outcome is, and this is what I think.


I donā€™t see her settling. Her name is out there and all the disgusting details are out there so really there is no motivation to accept payment from them.

Itā€™s going to be long and ugly.

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Definitely agree that Outcome 2 is the most likely scenario. I just donā€™t foresee an apocalyptic scenario where WWE gets completely dismantled over this. If there were more execs that had a damning behaviour, Iā€™m fairly confident they wouldā€™ve been named in the lawsuit. So I donā€™t know why weā€™re even considering Outcome 1 like a plausible one.

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Wow, what a way to frame my opinionā€¦ Uh, except Iā€™ve never said or suggested most of what youā€™re saying.

Iā€™m not claiming this shuts the company down. In saying that it would force the new owners to put in a new regime and give it a fresh start under their lead.

If this was thirty years ago, it would be one thing. But itā€™s a new game - and the company is too big to fail.

Nowhere did I say WWE was going to close down or sell.
Iā€™m saying multiple people with powerful positions will be losing their jobs.

If Vince settles, that means their is truth and more could come out about other employees in the future. TKO isnā€™t going to want those skeletons in their closet. Itā€™s not hard to understand.

I also know this opinion isnā€™t something many share. The fact that some people know who I am here, has coincidentally lead to harassment personally / professionally. Given this is literally the only place public I share my opinions on fandom - itā€™s easy to see where itā€™s coming from.
So this has been funā€¦